Didn't they have to submit a business plan for what they'd do with Sugar's money? That'll probably have more of a bearing on the finalists as anything we've seen so far. They might have some dynamite ideas.
The Apprentice - Series 7 Page 29
Quote: chipolata @ July 8 2011, 6:54 PM BSTDidn't they have to submit a business plan for what they'd do with Sugar's money? That'll probably have more of a bearing on the finalists as anything we've seen so far. They might have some dynamite ideas.
And aren't we dying to know what those business plans are...
Only seen the last couple of episodes and from the five who are left, that one who doesn't get on with the eastern girl (surely that's allowed, if not 'the Oriental' which I thought better of because I'm modern ) is a total waste of space. She doesn't seem to have anything but an attitude. She won't be picked.
The guy from NI seems to be in the wrong series, I could see him winning previous series, but this one isn't about running an arm of Amstrad, it's about creating new joint business (I believe). He's got the drive and knowhow, but does he have the creativity needed? From my experience of driven types, he won't have it, the ideas and the subtlety and the flexibility to create something new and successful. The two qualities do not usually go together.
The woman who attempted the leadership coup is a definite no now, Sugar will have been alarmed at such boldness and coldness. That leaves the nerd inventor and the girl from the East as finalists. My bet, although he's only sneaked through to this stage, it is for a good reason: Sugar knows he can create products and the bloke knows what's going on all the time, he just doesn't communicate it very well. From what I've seen, he has easily the most astute business brain there, and I'm including Lord Sugar. He'd be nuts not to pick him.
Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 8 2011, 12:20 PM BSTDid you see poor Tom's face right at the end of the board room where he thought he was going. Broke my little heart, it did.
I Tom!
I'm glad Melody went, I like Tom and I think Helen (is that her name?) could eventually win.
The other team leader is such a horrible person I hope she goes soon.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ July 8 2011, 8:09 PM BSTOnly seen the last couple of episodes and from the five who are left, that one who doesn't get on with the eastern girl (surely that's allowed, if not 'the Oriental' which I thought better of because I'm modern
) is a total waste of space. She doesn't seem to have anything but an attitude. She won't be picked.
It's a shame you haven't watched it through- Suzi has had to start sticking up for herself because Sir Lord kept having a go for being a push over. I can see that if you only watched the last couple of weeks you'd probably see her as a bit of a whiney bitch (And yes, I believe Eastern or East Asian is fine if you're not quite sure of the country of her ancestry
My bet, although he's only sneaked through to this stage, it is for a good reason: Sugar knows he can create products and the bloke knows what's going on all the time, he just doesn't communicate it very well. From what I've seen, he has easily the most astute business brain there, and I'm including Lord Sugar. He'd be nuts not to pick him.
He's definitely got a bit of a soft spot for him. He's my favourite candidate by miles.
Quote: AngieBaby @ July 8 2011, 8:38 PM BSTI
Me too. Shhh.
I've spent a lot of time analysing who should be picked and why. Actually I haven't - I've done a Lordsiralansugarcube and said gor blimey who gives a shit, f**k them where's MY pay check BBC?
Quote: Marc P @ July 8 2011, 11:38 PM BSTI've spent a lot of time analysing who should be picked and why. Actually I haven't - I've done a Lordsiralansugarcube and said gor blimey who gives a shit, f**k them where's MY pay check BBC?
Quote: zooo @ July 8 2011, 5:50 PM BSTAre you saying you didn't think that Natasha was a massive bitch to Susie, or that you saw it but didn't mind it?
Natasha certainly wasn't a massive bitch to Susie. She managed her well, by thanking her for her suggestions even though she thought they were stupid. Natasha isn't a bitch. When mental stalinist controlf**k Helen was laying into her at the end of the episode she was listening to every word and considering it. I don't think she's a strong candidate, but she clearly isn't a bitch.
Helen (it probably is her name but I'm not sure myself)
Was a bit out of order trying to take over as PM.
Reminded me of when Jim decided he didn't want to go in the boardroom.
At least Melody told her where to go.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ July 9 2011, 12:50 AM BSTNatasha certainly wasn't a massive bitch to Susie. She managed her well, by thanking her for her suggestions even though she thought they were stupid. Natasha isn't a bitch. When mental stalinist controlf**k Helen was laying into her at the end of the episode she was listening to every word and considering it. I don't think she's a strong candidate, but she clearly isn't a bitch.
She may not be 'a bitch', but she was very bitchy several times in this week's episode (patronising, trying to make someone feel stupid and small).
Maybe we just have different views of what being bitchy is.
Quote: zooo @ July 9 2011, 1:13 AM BSTShe may not be 'a bitch', but she was very bitchy several times in this week's episode (patronising, trying to make someone feel stupid and small).
Maybe we just have different views of what being bitchy is.
I doubt it. They're all wankers who would get an absolute verbal shit-kicking from me. Too bad I'll never be on You're Fired.
Obviously it's in the programme maker's interests to select near-pyschotic egomaniacs with no level of self awareness for the show, but this methodology can backfire - look at Big Brother.
They used to have single sane contestant - usually a gay man - to use as a twat barometer against the other contestants but eventually they progressed to 100% fools and idiots.
I always root for the underdog, and stand up for people who are being unjustly treated, but Susie's just an annoying childish arsehole.
I don't think it matters who they select.
Those Uber Business types can very easily look like twats as that sort of behaviour very easily leads itself to twattishness. whether real or just percieved
I liked Rafe/Raef(?). He was still a twat, but jolly nice.
It's twat twat twat twat twat round here. In terms of true twatdom these guys are small fry. Big deal, they're a bit egotistical or lacking in self awareness. They're are worse crimes.
Yes, that's why we call them twats, rather than murderers or evil crimemongers...
Twat is hardly a harsh insult now is it.