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Comedy you want to like, but don't

Thought I'd start a topic on this because I've been trying to get into Curb Your Enthusiasm lately and I find myself really wanting to like it, but barely laugh and if I'm honest with myself sometimes even getting a bit bored.

Comedy is all down to personal taste, and sometimes you find something that seemingly ticks every category you look for, yet it just doesn't work for you and you can't really work out why. Music wise I'm exactly the same with Bloc Party, I should like them and I don't really know why I don't but it just doesn't do it for me.

I was wondering if anyone has a simular relationship with any other sitcom/films/stand-ups? I was told by lots of people that Curb would right down my street, I love Ricky Gervais and in various interviews he talks about Curb and how much he likes it and my friends that are into the same comedies as me (namely Office, Extras, Peep Show, Partridge) all include Curb as one of their favourite sitcoms. Yet when I watch it always seems obvious what's about to happen next. There's an argument over a social faux pas - Larry has to deal with the aftermath.

I see where the laughs are but it just doesn't hit me like it's meant to. I keep watching it, hoping that eventually I'll start to like it because it should be exactly the sort of comedy I like. So, is there any comedy that you've tried but didn't like even though people would think it's right down your street? Or are there any comedies out there you want to like, but just don't?

I know what you mean, I had a friend whose opinion on such matters I value highly telling me I simply 'must get into' C.Y.E. I tried, and tried, and really gave it a good go, four episodes in & I decided I think it's incredibly over-rated. Maybe the overt Jewishness is lost on this poor little atheist.

He is an atheist Jew though.

Miranda. I like what it's trying to do, and I like Miranda Hart, but the show never grabs me like I want it to.

Quote: BuryBob @ July 5 2011, 9:31 PM BST

I know what you mean, I had a friend whose opinion on such matters I value highly telling me I simply 'must get into' C.Y.E. I tried, and tried, and really gave it a good go, four episodes in & I decided I think it's incredibly over-rated. Maybe the overt Jewishness is lost on this poor little atheist.

What's the right level of Jewishness?

Not Going Out.

I agree on NGO. I wish I could love it like some on these boards but it always feels a bit bland.

I have a mate with a great sense of humour whose tastes I share and who leant me a boxset of Curb; every time I tried to return it saying it was not for me he insisted I watch another episode...

I have never even wanted to like Miranda.

All the cool kids seem to like Stewart Lee, but to me he just deconstructs comedy to the point where it isn't funny anymore.

I just couldn't get Curb, I tried but found it tiresome and cringeworthy. It's probably a character fault of mine, I have to find something to like in a comedian to enjoy the humour. Never found Garnet funny at all, seen a lot of Bill Hicks and after initial interest now find him hectoring and sweaty. I guess he just overwhelmed any romantic notions of his early end and ground breaking nature by shouting at me. Andy Kaufman, vaguely racist and amusing in Taxi is in the clips I've seen is confusing and worrying rather than funny. Bill Bailey though amusing enough as a panellist his stand-up leaves me cold. Jack Black, just what? (Tenacious D is a mystery to me too). Sacha Baron Cohen, yes fine make fools of everyone.

Yes I know I should love them all to be an all round comedy aficionado...

Quote: BuryBob @ July 5 2011, 9:31 PM BST

I know what you mean, I had a friend whose opinion on such matters I value highly telling me I simply 'must get into' C.Y.E. I tried, and tried, and really gave it a good go, four episodes in & I decided I think it's incredibly over-rated. Maybe the overt Jewishness is lost on this poor little atheist.

What an odd remark. It's not especially Jewish it's just sort of American upper class.

Seems a bizarre reason to dislike.

Personally I think alot of people can't stand that the sharpest, wittiest sitcoms these days are American.

Quote: Timbo @ July 5 2011, 9:54 PM BST

I have never even wanted to like Miranda.

Miranda is in some ways a well written, performed classic sitcom of the old skool.

But it's so self regarding, snobbish and supposedly ironic that it just annoys me.

Alan Partridge. In this, as in everything else he does, I never forget for one second that I am watching Steve Coogan acting, rather than a character who takes on its own life.

Actually the whole Today's the Day crowd leave me cold in just about everything they have done.

Quote: sootyj @ July 5 2011, 9:59 PM BST

Miranda is in some ways a well written, performed classic sitcom of the old skool.

Never got the well written thing. The writing is lazy as f**k. But this is for another thread.

Quote: sootyj @ July 5 2011, 9:59 PM BST

What an odd remark. It's not especially Jewish it's just sort of American upper class.

Seems a bizarre reason to dislike.

Personally I think alot of people can't stand that the sharpest, wittiest sitcoms these days are American.

Miranda is in some ways a well written, performed classic sitcom of the old skool.

But it's so self regarding, snobbish and supposedly ironic that it just annoys me.

Yeah, I've always thought that Larry was very restrained with the Jewish humour. I think that's because he knows that's the easy, obvious laugh....and he's way better than that (and he is!). Sure, there's a smattering (or schmattering) of Jewish humour, but he's a Jewish bloke, so it's to be expected.

I still laugh at the thought of when Larry offered to type-set someone's newspaper obituary....and it should have read 'beloved aunt'. Love it!! (But I respect those who don't enjoy 'Curb'....because I just don't get some other shows.)

I think I mean well written compared against a lot of contemporary stuff.
In that it actually has some sort of classic sitcom structure.

But it's mostly a direct copy of golden age sitcoms and often just seems to give up.

And Miranda herself is just annoying and a lumpen performer in my view.

Quote: Timbo @ July 5 2011, 9:54 PM BST

I have a mate with a great sense of humour whose tastes I share and who leant me a boxset of Curb; every time I tried to return it saying it was not for me he insisted I watch another episode...

Tell him to curb his enthusiasm.


Quote: sootyj @ July 5 2011, 10:16 PM BST


Fair call, Soots. That was a low point for me.

Don't think I'll have to mail that to myself (having signed it across the seal in my own blood), in case someone pinches it.

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