Wednesday 6th July 2011 11:28am
69,774 posts
Quote: EllieJP @ July 6 2011, 10:29 AM BST
The thing is, she was still raped.
Yes. It doesn't seem quite fair that he gets off (and on another note - pretty much the right to sleeprape anyone he wants in the future?) and she gets no justice or anything whatsoever. The only thing I can think of is that she should get damages. Not that money means she hasn't been raped, but it at least acknowledges that something horrible happened to her that shouldn't have.
Quote: Nogget @ July 6 2011, 12:17 PM BST
If he knew he suffered from this condition, why did he take the risk of having students in his house? And...
"....She had gone to sleep on his bed in the early hours of September 7 2009, using his room because it was cooler. Davies was already asleep in the bed../"
Who here would go to sleep in their landlord's bed with him still in it?
Maybe it was dark and she didn't see him. Or maybe he's a lying freako and he wasn't there at all.