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Sitcom Trials Manchester 2011 - scripts invited Page 22

All in all, a good exercise to go through them as seeing the mistakes other people make always helps improve your own writing. I've tried to be as helpful with the comments as possible, as it's the 'NO' scripts that most need the feedback, critique to help know where to focus improvements and thanks to people who have critiqued mine (regardless of result) so I know what to work on to improve it.

I've sort of enjoyed it, as fun of a good script tends to make up for many bad ones, though if you read four or five bad ones in a row, you question the point of life.

If anyone cares how I read, I started at mine and read down the list, then read the additional ones in the bottom half, then read upwards from mine to the top.

Anyway, here are the results from me:

Can't we have airport announcements to set the scene, instead of just two people talking? At least every so often that would pull us back into why two people are trapped together at the airport. The reason could change every so often too, in a humourous way each time. It wasn't interesting until Rachel turned up and then I got into it, but took too long to get there. Though it would have been better if the secret was much bigger; like he was married to Rachel and neglected to mention it to Sarah. A few funny lines too, so MAYBE.

Couldn't really differentiate between the characters and didn't buy in to them. People chatting amongst themselves and nothing happening. This should have started with the 'him shagging her in bed whilst I was there' and taking it from there. Some funny lines in there though but NO.

It's just a stand-up character. He needs fleshing out properly to fit into a sitcom. Nothing happens, he just goes on about conspiracies. Way too long. NO.

All characters sound the same and stand around talking about nothing in particular. Nothing happens. NO.

Why does this have to be in a pub with a mate? This could be at home, where one of the people is coming to pick up 'their stuff'. Sarah suddenly changes character for no reason which is irritating in the extreme. Some sort of morality tale rather than sitcom. NO.

Characters come out nicely straight away. Big paragraphs need to be broken up a bit with some interaction. I like the breaking the fourth wall bit very much, but risky as f**k at the end. Natalie needs to be more involved earlier and less two-dimensional. Maybe a bit too dark for sitcom at the end and more of a one-act play as I can't see it progressing beyond this episode. MAYBE

Completely unnecessary first scene that could be incorporated into the second scene. Bit with the drink is good as it seems like plot. Suzie is massively inconsistent as a character so it's hard to buy into. Noah is alright but the other two are not interesting. A few good lines but most of the material covered is unoriginal and done to death. Not really a cliffhanger in it. NO

Straight into the plot with lots of jokes. Plot bounds along at pretty much perfect pace. Very funny, nice twist, good ending. Easily YES.

Does well as gets into a plot straight away allowing the characters to come out of that. Some good lines, I laughed a lot and was entertained so YES.

Like the characters and situation, though probably needs teams at each pole for more storylines. Dialogue short, snappy and progresses the plot at a good pace. Really good jokes. Very funny and lots of different types of humour being used, so has a broad reach. I like the ending a lot. Probably the funniest. Definitely YES.

Some good lines made me laugh, so it is funny. There is some good structure with set-up and punchlines and it wasn't a drag to read. I do like Nigel as a character completely out of touch with society. That works. Don't really understand why Cesar comes in the store if he's so hip. However, the only semblance of a plot is Noel coming back in for some exposition. Can't Nigel recognise him at the beginning and hide from him? Then have to explain/distract from the reason. Then it's more interesting for everyone watching. Has a lot of potential so MAYBE.

Characters all sound the same. Bad punctuation made it difficult to read, not doing it any favours in voting. There are some decent jokes wrapped up in lines so long that the rhythm is lost and the joke fails. Those big paragraphs need breaking up with a bit of interaction from the other characters. Just people talking and nothing happening. The bit after the cliffhanger seems longer than the bit before. NO.

Ace characters and, vitally, hit the nail on the head perfectly with the character relationships. Funny, nice twists and turns, written well for the brief and stage. Superb. YES.

Too much talking for no reason at the beginning. Like the Padre character, but we should be straight into the two plots that turn up later: Quint and the second reverend. They are two separate episodes in reality and should be explored. Potential is there but needs a major rewrite so NO.

Characters two dimension and all sound the same. John thoroughly unlikeable in particular and has no depth. Just loads of useless banter at the beginning when it could get straight into the guts of the dead person plot. We don't care about what they did and when, just get on with it and tell us the story. NO.

Unforgiveable spelling mistake in title. Like the two characters and they have potential for more stories, but the real plot is the Litter Angels threatening them. This needs to happen page one and any character banter needs to evolve from that storyline. I did laugh though, as there are some funny lines in there. A tentative MAYBE, if only because it deserves more recognition than many of the other scripts.

Too long to get going. Kev asks a question: everyone goes off on one for two pages, resulting in just chat and no plot. Don't care about the characters; they all seem flat, mundane and sound the same. Far too self-aware re: cliffhanger. May be a genius strategy, but I doubt it. NO.

Lots of *long* speeches. Characters all sound the same and I don't care about them. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Just people talking. No plot (though it appears to try to set lots of them up). No cliffhanger. NO

Great concept, great start. Signs/pens thing goes on too long where there should be more of a plot going on. Good characters, good dialogue, funny. Scene 2 should be the first scene and scenes 1 and 3 combined. Too long and a weak ending but one of the most enjoyable ones I've read. YES.

Just two people talking, nothing happens. No cliffhanger. Didn't find it funny. NO.

Just two blokes talking. Nothing happens, no inciting incident, no plot, nothing. Occasional good gag but that's it. NO

No plot for a long time. Too much tell, don't show. Good premise but we should be seeing all the time-travelling, not the talking about it afterwards. NO.

Like the premise, but characters not really interesting enough. Too little plot, needs more resolution. No cliffhanger. NO.

No cliffhanger as far as I can see. And one of the characters needs to have more of a point to him, but it is funny and I liked it. YES

Can't really tell the difference between the characters. No plot, no cliffhanger. Some funny stuff in there but it's more stand-up than sitcom. Elements very difficult to stage. NO

Way too long and pretty much unstageable, if only due to number of props. Too many characters. But, you know what, it was funny and I like the two main characters a lot -- well-defined, have purpose and, just to reiterate, it was funny! YES (but needs simplifying)

Didn't like the characters. Seemed very old fashioned humour. Odd decent line but on the whole I didn't enjoy it so NO.

Too many characters. All character's voices the same -- nothing to distinguish them, and I didn't care about any of them. No cliffhanger. NO.

Unstageable. Not funny. No plot. NO.

Mine, so obviously YES

Funny stuff. Good characters and laughed a lot. Weak ending but YES.

Long time to get going. Not much plot going on. Not funny enough. Very 'first episode'. NO

There's a good idea in there but it's just not funny enough. First bit seems short, end bit too long. NO

Erm... Not funny enough for my tastes. Also not that much plot going on. NO

Weird enough that it was starting to work, but not really funny enough. Didn't really care about the characters. NO

Like the main character and scenario a lot. Plot could be better so MAYBE.

Liked the boss character but potential not realised. NO

No jokes anywhere in it. Not much to the characters. No plot either. NO

Too short. No cliffhanger. Not sure if this is a pisstake or not. Not funny. NO

Too long. Felt a bit all over the place with no main plot. Not funny enough. NO

Liked the characters. Bit plot light but is funny. No cliffhanger. MAYBE

No cliffhanger. Or plot. Or laughs or characters you care about. NO.

A few laughs but needs more. One good character but the others don't really have any character. Bit long. MAYBE.

Nothing really happens. One character going somewhere, others two-dimensional. Laughed at the towel bit though. NO

Decent sitcom here: has a plot, doesn't resort to banter and has a few funny gags. Perhaps too long, and uses 5 characters but, from me, a YES.


Quote: Kev F @ June 25 2011, 10:30 AM BST

Hmm, voting NO to everyone else's scripts, (with a couple of Maybes) and only giving a YES to your own scripts. Well, it's not illegal. Let's hope more people keep voting, to redress the balance.

Kev F

(Excerpt below edited, reviews were included for every script)

--- In, "markymark_oc" <markymark_oc@...> wrote:
> 3 Bitches - NO
> Agent of Chaos - - NO
> Amateurs - NO
> An Ex Rated Date - NO
> Analysts - NO
> And It's Life And Life Only - NO
> Apocalypse - NO
> As Sick As A Parrot - NO
> Caroline R.I. - NO.
> Checkpoint Dave - NO
> Cometh the Padre - NO
> Dead Healthy - NO
> God Complex - NO
> Hardcow - NO
> Highway to Hell - NO
> Keith Lymingstone-Brown - NO
> Lightning - NO
> Living With Danger - MAYBE
> Lo-Fi - NOOOOO!!!
> MATES RATES by markymark_oc - YES
> NOT ON A SCHOOL NIGHT by markymark_oc - YES
> No Prospect - NO
> Old Man - MAYBE
> Outgoings - NO
> Privilege - NO
> Reasons to Be Cheerful - NO
> Shit Happens - MAYBE
> Shock Treatment - NO
> Singing the Blues - NO
> SuperFood.doc - NO
> The Oldham Chronicles - NO
> The Pinkie Device - NO
> There must be someone else - NO
> Treading water - NO
> University of Life - NO

It seems he's a little further up the ladder than most of us, well, me at least, so perhaps that's why he's picky when it comes to voting:-

Although he's still influenced by a post from Kev to change his votes:


This could be the first competition in history where the winner ends up with minus points...

I'm hoping to break even!


Quote: swerytd @ June 25 2011, 3:11 PM BST

I'm hoping to break even!


I'm hoping Shit Happens (crafty bit of subliminal advertising there)...

Actually, it should have been against the rules to vote for your own work. IMO

Quote: bushbaby @ June 25 2011, 4:10 PM BST

Actually, it should have been against the rules to vote for your own work. IMO

It's never too late to change the rules...Cool

Actually voting for yourself won't change anything because everyone voting yes for themselves will just cancel it all out...

I'd have like to have seen just a simple yes/no vote, 1 for yes, 0 for no..!

At present you could win and never receive a 'yes' vote, or you could receive the most 'yes' votes and not win...

Bloody Liberals and their disproportional voting systems...!

These are my votes and these are just my thoughts and ideas on a very subjective topic and of course I will be voting yes to my own scripts. I'm sure we all have!

Middling the gate- Very middle of the road. Very slow and just plodded along.

Three bitches- 3 totally unlovable characters so could not really take an interest in what happens to them.

Agent of chaos- Read like somebody had just tried to re-write a stand up comedy routine into a sicom script. Found it to be a little slow. Far too many references to real people.

Amateurs- Flowed quite well in places but nothing really happens in the script.

An ex-rated date- No story and can not remember smiling once whilst I read this.

Analysts- The snot joke killed my interest in this script. I didn't like the conclusion to this script and much prefer shock treatment.

And as life and life only- I quite like this. I like the section where the friend is set up to look a fool and the joke is continued.

Apoc. John- Sorry not for me. Others may like this kind of thing but I hate zombie comedy. (I didn't like Shaun of the dead so I was never going to like this.)

As sick as a parrot- Totally cliche and dated. Sorry.

Bi- Polar- Could only ever see this being a series of short sketches.

Broken records- Really didn't grab my attention. Very slow.

Caroline RIP- I felt the dialogue was well written but wasn't funny and I think most people didn't find the surprise ending a surprise. If this was a drama I may have voted yes or maybe but I found no humour in it.

Check point Dave- I won't throw the black adder goes forth comparison at this like some may (i know I just have.) Just because something is set in the same place doesn't make it a clone. If it does we better all cross offices, shops, LA, Vegas, Hollywood, schools, universities off our lists. Didn't make me laugh but I can see some merit in this.

Cometh the padre- Not funny! Not sure if this script knew where it wanted to place itself but I don't think it was comedy.

Dead healthy- This is mine so I am afraid I will have to vote yes on this. I do think this could work well on stage but pretty sure none of us will get to see it.

Environmentally friendly- Two men talking rubbish.

Footlights- When I first read this I thought no. I thought the cliff hanger was a cop out, but I re-read it and it grew on me and I thought it was a novel concept and the cliff hanger was a great idea. Some of it is a bit mental but it made me smile

Four in a gym- This really didn't grab me. There was no plot and nothing happened.

God complex- 8 pages before the story begins and was way over length. Some people will have cut their scripts to fit within the limits set in competition giving this script an unfair advantage.

Hardcow- Didn't like the characters. Horrible people so did not take any interest in them.

Highway to hell- Didn't find it funny and I personally find jokes about disability distasteful. Jeremy Beadle was a legend. (Even though my gran's garden still isn't right after they dug it up.)

Keith Lym Brown- Pretty original idea (no flux capacitor or delorean in sight.) Would have liked to have seen some consequence to their actions like the "butterfly effect." E.g. Michael-Angelo painting was not worht anything because they scared him that badly he never painted again. Liked the ending. (Yes)

Lightning- One or two funny jokes. The end didn't feel like the end. Just seemed to end because of the page count. You should have done like "god complex and written as many pages as you wanted." Not sure how much legs this would have.

Living with danger- Personally hate super-hero comedy so this was never going to be something I would like. Sorry.

Lo-fi- All the characters seem to speak with the same voice. No story and no ending.

Mates Rates- I really didn't like this. I attempted to read this three times but never got to the end of it because it was so bland.

No prospect- No prospect. Characters old stereotypes and felt no empathy or the characters except the french girl who I hope finds somewhere else to live.

Not on a school night- Wasn't surprised to see this was written by the same person as mates rates. I found this to be dull and not at all funny.

Old Man- Only spotted two jokes in this but a nice concept

Outgoings Christmas hit- Really don't think this will work. Comedy an assassins don't go hand in hand but an original idea. I don't think it will work but I may be wrong so I will give this a

Privelege- Good story and well paced and would have legs but unfortunately I didn't find this funny. With more humour this may work

Reasons to be cheerful- gave me none!

Shit happens- was never a fan of Rab C and too much profanity so means swearing is no longer funny and can not be used for comic effect.

Blunderful life- Really not for me. Didn't find this funny. Please don't make this a stage play in Newcastle. Sir Bobby is a saint and I would pray for your safety.

Superfood- topical in todays economic climate but didn't find it funny

Oldham chronicles- Very lyrical and at first it was novel but then became tedious and there was not much to laugh about.

OAP Bus- I liked this a little. It was safe (a little too safe for my taste) and I think it would go down well with an older audience (waiting for god.)

Pinkie Device- Read like a Robert Rankin novel. A little strange but it got my attention even though I thought it was a little short on jokes

Theatre of dreams
I liked this. Some of the jokes made me laugh.

There must be someone else- This is one of mine and I will unashamedly vote for my own. Some of the humour may be a little course for some but it is what I like and we tend to write in a manner that we personally find funny . This is the type of humour I tend to watch. I feel the characters are very different to each other and are quite memorable.

Treading water
I'm torn on this. I really like it but I think it loses momentum at the end but I will give it the benefit of the doubt.

University of life- Some may say that it was just another student comedy. That doesn't bother me but I think it makes it more difficult to raise a laugh.

Urban guerillas- Was a little slow at first but when it going I liked this.

Shock treatment- Nearly missed this one out sorry. This is actually my favourite but I think maybe the female student would have to be the central character as doctor lime maybe too limiting. She could intern with a different villain every week.

I hope I didn't miss anybody out and I hope I haven't upset anyone. Humour is totally subjective and to be honest my is a little bit dry and a little bit weird but life would be boring if we all liked the same thing. Good luck to everyone in their future ventures javascript:add_emoticon('Wave')


Quote: RedZed333 @ June 25 2011, 4:28 PM BST

It's never too late to change the rules...Cool

Actually voting for yourself won't change anything because everyone voting yes for themselves will just cancel it all out...

I'd have like to have seen just a simple yes/no vote, 1 for yes, 0 for no..!

At present you could win and never receive a 'yes' vote, or you could receive the most 'yes' votes and not win...

Bloody Liberals and their disproportional voting systems...!

Oh yes, wish I was that clever :D

Here are my votes:

BROKEN RECORDS.doc - Enjoyed the robbery, but other than that there wasn't much going on. MAYBE

Caroline R.I.pdf - All conjecture of a dead person, missing any action. NO

Checkpoint Dave -Not much happens but funny dialogue. MAYBE

Cometh the Padre.pdf - Nice set up but didn't use it to the fullest. NO

dead healthy.pdf - Nice action, poor ending. MAYBE

ENVIROMENTLY FRIENDLY 2011.pdf - Two guys doing nothing but chatting. NO

FOUR IN A GYM.pdf - Four people doing nothing but chatting. NO

God Complex - Promising dialogue, story seems abit stretched though. MAYBE

hardcow.pdf - Enjoyable characters make up for lack of action. YES

Highway to Hell - Two people sat around talking NO

Keith Lymingstone-Brown.pdf - Enjoyed the dialogue, the story didn't really do anything for me. MAYBE

Lightning by John Gradwell.pdf - Short but funny and clever. YES

Living With Danger.pdf - Noting really stands out, only different aspect would be the writers performing it. NO

lo-fi (3 scenes).pdf - People talking to each other, nothing happens. NO

MATES RATES - Interesting character, but is abit slow. MAYBE

NO PROSPECT.doc - A good attempt, but the characters don't really draw you in. NO

NOT ON A SCHOOL NIGHT - Fun characters, and interesting dialogue. YES

Old Man: Characters don't really stand out, some good dialogue. NO

Outgoings--No1ChristmasHit.Interesting idea, and some nice dialogue. YES

Privilege - Struggled to find an original voice, although some lines were funny. NO

ReasonstoBeCheerful.pdf - Punderful. YES

ROCK.doc - Other than the initial idea nothing really caught my attention. NO

Shit Happens.pdf - Dialogue was poor, as were the characters. NO

Shock Treatment.pdf - The use of foreign phrases was quite funny, but the idea ran out of steam near the end. NO

Singing the Blues - It's a Blunderful Life.pdf - Good dialogue but the story didn't grab me. Funny moments MAYBE

SuperFood.doc - Good dialogue, good characters, some action. Could be fun to watch. YES

THE OAP BUS.doc - Flat dialogue took away from a good story.NO

The Oldham Chronicles.pdf - Just a long sketch, which is a shame as it was funny, but it's a sitcom competition. NO

The Pinkie Device.pdf - Enjoyed the characters, if a little old-school, but ultimately quite fun. YES

THEATRE OF DREAMS.doc - Started slow but had some funny lines and ended strongly. YES

There must be someone else.pdf - Not my type at all, too laddy and not enough time spent on the characters. NO

Treading water - Enjoyed the dialogue, was a fun read. YES

University of Life - Just people talking, not much happens. NO

URBAN GUERILLAS - fun dialogue but was predictable. NO

Sorry to butt in on a neighbouring forum, but just wanted to let you know what's happening on Monday 27 June at the New Diorama Theatre in London.

One of this Monday's Sitcom Mission sitcoms, What Next? is being directed by the National Theatre's Cal McCrystal. There's an article from the Guardian about him here:

And it's starring Carla Mendonca, who's been in loads of sitcoms and was the mum in My Parents Are Aliens.

And we're also showcasing The Box, directed by the incredibly talented Ben de Wynter. You can find more about him here:

And we've also got:

Max and Ivan: "Monsters of sketch comedy" "Superbly oiled dialogue mashers... awesome singers... great rappers.". Time Out Critic's Choice; Five stars: Broadway Baby; Four stars: British Theatre Guide, Three Weeks.

Bob and Jim: "Brilliantly funny, a great show from two loveable characters. The best comedy around today - sure to go far."

And improv from:

Fingers on Buzzards. 'A bit of a find' Remotegoat.

More details here:

And you can buy tickets here:

We very much hope to see you there.

Cheers, Declan and Simon

Quote: bushbaby @ June 25 2011, 4:54 PM BST

Oh yes, wish I was that clever :D

Mind you, I only got a C in maths so I could be wrong...

Quote: RedZed333 @ June 25 2011, 5:04 PM BST

Mind you, I only got a C in maths so I could be wrong...

I did better than you I got a U Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Surrounded by dyscalculics...

<shakes head>


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