British Comedy Guide


Hello, your website is prompting me to make an introductory thread so I have done so. More out of good manners than having anything to actually say.

I am Rob. I live on the south coast. I am not any sort of comedy writer or performer, so I have nothing to advertise/spam the forum with. I am just here to talk about comedy with other fans and voice my poorly thought out opinions. Which is what the internet was invented for.

In general I prefer political/social stand up comedy, and radio shows over TV, but it's all good really.

Aaand, that's about it. :D

Nice to have a non-writer aboard. Wave

Although I bet within 3 months you will have attempted to write a sketch! :D

Haha, thanks! We'll see :D

Hello :)


Hello Rob, welcome to the 'party'.

I use the term in its loosest possible sense.

Quote: Leevil @ June 23 2011, 1:17 PM BST

Nice to have a non-writer aboard. Wave

Although I bet within 3 months you will have attempted to write a sketch! :D

And I bet that sketch gets commissioned by the BBC, landing him his own TV sketch show, winning every award going. Will he still want to talk to us then? I ask.


I thought that they never gave anyone they don't already know the slightest chance?

'Hello, hello, welcome, welcome to... your dungeon.'
Helloooo Wave

Quote: Aaron @ June 23 2011, 3:07 PM BST

I thought that they never gave anyone they don't already know the slightest chance?

That's why I said it. Teary Glad I'm not a comedian, I really couldn't put up with the lack of appreciation.

I think you have to be an world renowned comedian already to get any appreciation, bit like trying to get into a circle.

Hi Snafu Wave

Quote: Aaron @ June 23 2011, 3:06 PM BST

Hello Rob, welcome to the 'party'.

I use the term in its loosest possible sense.

:D Haha thanks, I'll be in the kitchen, with all the other nerds that nobody invited.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ June 23 2011, 3:06 PM BST

And I bet that sketch gets commissioned by the BBC, landing him his own TV sketch show, winning every award going. Will he still want to talk to us then? I ask.


I wish more people had this much belief in me...!

+ Hello to everyone else in this thread Wave


Quote: Snafu @ June 23 2011, 1:16 PM BST

I am not any sort of comedy writer or performer

You're not alone...

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