Quote: EllieJP @ June 21 2011, 9:26 AM BSTCongratulations. I've given birth to a lump in my eye - it f**king kills.
Good to see your as Elliecentric as ever, Eleanor!
Quote: EllieJP @ June 21 2011, 9:26 AM BSTCongratulations. I've given birth to a lump in my eye - it f**king kills.
Good to see your as Elliecentric as ever, Eleanor!
Maybe a stiye or cyst? usually ridden with prescriptive drops?
Good luck as I have grey spot in vision.
Quote: Rob H @ June 21 2011, 9:32 AM BST
The birth bit is a good bit to miss too IMO. In case anyone was wondering, the sound of a perinaeum being cut with scissors DOES indeed sound like someone cutting paper.
Congratulations Rob. Your missus has gone from .-. to - (that must smart!)
That's what you get for being a f**kface
but seriously sounds like a cyst, I'm sure the GP can sort it easily enough
It's a stie... just have to deal with it till it goes away.
Congrats Rob!
Not so congrats Ellie.
I feel really guilty. Don't like it. I preferred not giving a shit. Stupid E:motion chips.
Quote: Rob H @ June 21 2011, 9:32 AM BSTThanks guys.
This is the second of two boys Riley. Handy on the clothes front. These sleepsuits might be the only new clothes he ever has, and he's only got them because he was over a pound smaller than Number One Son.
Works even if they aren't the same gender. It's more the time of birth. Riley Minor was often taken to be a boy simply because she was dressed in her brother's old babygros. As she's a summer baby and he was winter, she got the pink and girly stuff simply because it wasn't viable for her to be wearing shorts in winter.
I would have thought an early baby would be nice and small. Why the snippingggg?
I'm so not doing it.
Quote: zooo @ June 21 2011, 1:43 PM BSTC
I'm so not doing it.
Awww can't you imagine giving birth to a miniature Aaron??
Quote: zooo @ June 21 2011, 1:43 PM BSTCongrats!
Why the snippingggg?I'm so not doing it.
That doesn't happen to everyone, without wishing to be too graphic Zooo they say a tare heals better than a cut.
Quote: EllieJP @ June 21 2011, 1:49 PM BSTAwww can't you imagine giving birth to a miniature Aaron??
But OWWWWWW. Birth sounds horrible.
Quote: zooo @ June 21 2011, 1:53 PM BSTAww.
But OWWWWWW. Birth sounds horrible.
Take the drugs, you'll be fine, I was.
Quote: Shandonbelle @ June 21 2011, 1:51 PM BSTThat doesn't happen to everyone, without wishing to be too graphic Zooo they say a tear heals better than a cut.
Oh Jesus...