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Wanted: Fans of Cheech & Chong (who?)

Good hello.

I've let it be known for many months on this here board that I am a writer who smokes cannabis instead of drinking booze. I've done so in the hopes other like-minded peeps would come out of the woodwork and seek a collaboration with one of their own.

In 2008 I want to write, direct, and produce a comedy album along the same veins as the old Cheech & Chong records. The sketches could also be performed visually and broadcast on Youtube, but let's get the audio versions recorded first.

You can PM me if you are not comfortable coming out of the woodwork in public.

Think about it.

First: we will say hello to each other.
Second: we will kick around some ideas.
Third: we will each write some stuff and send it to each other for feedback.
Fourth: we will then perform & record the material ourselves.

I live in Kent at the moment but England is so small that it would not be a hardship to travel anywhere in this country to record the material. I have no travel restrictions.

I am available for non-druggie related collaborations, too.

Arlington Roth (The Skib-Skibster of Gillingham & Ilfracombe)

I would say most people know who Cheech and Chong are! Theyre not that underground.

I know of Cheech & Chong and I know Cheech from his cameos in many, many films.

I smoke it sometimes, but I'm not passionate about it and wouldn't miss it if I didn't smoke again.

Not interested in collaboration btw.

Quote: Leevil @ December 26, 2007, 4:12 PM

...Not interested in collaboration btw.

You know, I am very relieved you said that because I forgot to emphasize the fact that I wanted to work with ANYONE but that overweight, stinky, scabby, itchy, talentless tosser who calls himself "Leevil".

Cheers, mighty!!



I'm out of the running then :(

Oh wait... My names not Leevil... get in!

And they're all my positive points.

I saw their first film recently, but couldn't get into it.

However, I did like the bit where the sniffer dog keels over when it sniffs the truck made of weed.

I'd love to do some collaborations with you Skibby, perhaps you can reawaken my 'f**ked up' side!

Quote: Winterlight @ December 26, 2007, 6:57 PM

I saw their first film recently, but couldn't get into it.

However, I did like the bit where the sniffer dog keels over when it sniffs the truck made of weed.

I'd love to do some collaborations with you Skibby, perhaps you can reawaken my 'f**ked up' side!

Couldn't get into it??
Did you watch it with the director's commentary?
Might give you more of a feel for it...

Look forward to collaborating with you, WL.

Ideas are buzzing around...

PM me whenever you feel inspired---even if it's just to put forth an idea or piece of dialogue.

Can you put on any particular accents?
You're not afraid to perform, are you?


Bumping this thread with an update.

To write material that is so shockingly over-the-top filthy and vile that it morphs into utter silliness.

To perform & record the material.

Can you write unforgettable filth?

Short sketches no longer than 5 minutes.

Winterlight does not want to perform.

What about you, dear reader?
Can you perform shocking material? Or are you too a-scared?

I must keep bumping this thread until I attract the collaborators I want.
I want the album written, produced and recorded by June 2008.

Are you a producer? Have a burning desire to be one? PM me with a short bio and your location.

Let's strike while the iron is hot---and it IS extremely hot at the moment.

Have you contacted Charley?

She is - surprisingly - so well spoken that the filth will sound even more shocking!

Quote: David Chapman @ January 1, 2008, 12:20 PM

Have you contacted Charley?

She is - surprisingly - so well spoken that the filth will sound even more shocking!

Working with a woman is out of the question. My wife would not stand for it (especially since she has suggested that WE work together and I have refused).

So what you need is Charley and a fake beard.

Quote: zooo @ January 1, 2008, 1:19 PM

So what you need is Charley and a fake beard.

Laughing out loud
I could never do a fake beard. I have street cred you know.
Ahhh its ok Skib. I understand. I would probably be way toooooooooo filthy & disgusting for you anyhoo. The stuff I put on tinternet is mild for me.

PS. I have never heard of Cheek & Chong. Are they arseholes. They sound like talking buttocks!

Just bumping this up for ol' Skib! :)

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