British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 392

Quote: zooo @ June 20 2011, 1:17 AM BST


My feelings exactly. My company has a no-firearm policy but the CEO once took me aside and said that I could bring a gun to work if I thought it was necessary for my safety.

Well, work's a dangerous place!
Those... swivel chairs and erm... photocopiers.

I've found used hypodermic needles in the entry way to my office and there have been thefts from parked cars in broad daylight but the biggest problem with the old law was that you risked your job if you wanted to exercise your right to carry on the drive to/from the office. Now you can lock it in your car while it's parked without worry about being fired.

This is a great (and sad) story:

Quote: DaButt @ June 20 2011, 1:20 AM BST

My feelings exactly. My company has a no-firearm policy but the CEO once took me aside and said that I could bring a gun to work if I thought it was necessary for my safety.

If you have to take a gun to work then you're country is officially a hellhole no better than somewhere in the third world.

The total annual bill for clinical negligence claims leapt by a third in 2010-11 to £1.04bn, up from the £770m paid out by the NHS Litigation Authority in 2009-10. However, legal costs on top of this amount for such cases topped £286m.

I wonder if further cuts to the NHS will help prevent claims against an already stretched service? And all the time, the lawyers get richer.

Quote: chipolata @ June 20 2011, 10:13 AM BST

If you have to take a gun to work then you're country is officially a hellhole no better than somewhere in the third world.

Would you say the same to an armed member of your police units?

Quote: Kenneth @ June 19 2011, 3:13 PM BST

A Jerusalem rabbinical court condemned to death by stoning a dog it suspects is the reincarnation of a secular lawyer who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago.

It's a misprint the dog was actually killed by rabies.

Sad to read of Clarence Clemons' death yesterday. A total trooper and incredible performer.
Watching Springsteen and the E Street Band at Glastonbury the year before last he looked like he was struggling but never showed in his music.
He has a British comedy connection as well by turning up in a less than impressive comedy film called Swing as Hugo Speers' cell mate who teaches him sax and which he puts to good use on release by forming a swing band with Lisa Stansfield.

Quote: DaButt @ June 20 2011, 3:06 PM BST

Would you say the same to an armed member of your police units?

We're talking about average Joes in average jobs, not members of the military or the police force. Then again, DaButt, you do live in a country where even the schoolchildren are packing.

Quote: DaButt @ June 20 2011, 3:06 PM BST

Would you say the same to an armed member of your police units?

You know they only carry arms to confront armed criminals.

But I can understand where DaButt is coming from. I was checking my emails on a laptop at a station and a copper told me off for risking getting my laptop snatched (it's an ugly old thing rather like myself).

And at that point I understood the whole slut walk thing. Why should it be my fault and responsibility that some low life didn't have the sense to get a job or not become a crack addict. Why should I be the sensible ones?

Personally I'd in all honesty like to see the death sentence return for petty crimes, the pettier the better. Let's make being an inconsiderate theiving scum bag a terminal illness.

Quote: chipolata @ June 20 2011, 3:50 PM BST

you do live in a country where even the schoolchildren are packing.

Are they going somewhere nice?

Quote: sootyj @ June 20 2011, 4:22 PM BST

But I can understand where DaButt is coming from. I was checking my emails on a laptop at a station and a copper told me off for risking getting my laptop snatched (it's an ugly old thing rather like myself).

And at that point I understood the whole slut walk thing. Why should it be my fault and responsibility that some low life didn't have the sense to get a job or not become a crack addict. Why should I be the sensible ones?

Good man! :D

Quote: DaButt @ June 20 2011, 1:31 AM BST

I've found used hypodermic needles in the entry way to my office and there have been thefts from parked cars in broad daylight but the biggest problem with the old law was that you risked your job if you wanted to exercise your right to carry on the drive to/from the office. Now you can lock it in your car while it's parked without worry about being fired.

This is a great (and sad) story:

What happens if they steal the gun from your car?

Quote: DaButt @ June 20 2011, 1:31 AM BST

there have been thefts from parked cars in broad daylight

Now you can lock it in your car while it's parked without worry about being fired.

Logic flaw there!

Now you can worry instead about your gun being stolen and fired.

Quote: chipolata @ June 20 2011, 3:50 PM BST

We're talking about average Joes in average jobs, not members of the military or the police force.

And why do your cops carry firearms? To protect the citizenry from violent criminals armed with gun, knives and other deadly weapons, of course. I'll be more than happy to leave that job up to the police when they are around but seeing as I don't have a cop at my side 24/7 I prefer to be able to defend myself against armed attackers.

you do live in a country where even the schoolchildren are packing.

And so do you.


Quote: Chappers @ June 20 2011, 4:35 PM BST

What happens if they steal the gun from your car?

Thefts from cars are of the "Hey, there's a shiny iPod or GPS receiver or purse on the front seat so I think I'll smash the window and grab it" situation. By law the firearm has to be concealed from view so thieves aren't going to waste their time breaking into cars with no valuables in sight.

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