British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 390


Two beauties from Digital Spy:

Paul McCartney: Ringo Should Be Knighted

Fiona Bruce's glasses on BBC News cause storm

Quote: TopBanana @ June 18 2011, 5:32 PM BST

Fiona Bruce's glasses on BBC News cause storm

She was just looking too sluttish. But they really didn't suit her. She's woern glasses before on the news which looked better though.

She looked even hotter than usual.

The glasses cast a thick line of shadow right across her eyes. It was ridiculous, and VERY annoying!

Different glasses or a light in a different place would have fixed it.

Yeah.....but, why has a woman with an eye infection caused 'an online storm'?


Quote: TopBanana @ June 18 2011, 6:11 PM BST

Yeah.....but, why has a woman with an eye infection caused 'an online storm'?


Not a patch on Kate Silverton.

No eye patch on Kate Silverton?

Mr Cameron also described how he learned his values from his own father, Ian Cameron, who died last year aged 77. He said: "From my father, I learned about responsibility. Seeing him get up before the crack of dawn to go and do a hard day's work and not come back until late at night had a profound impact on me."

He was a stockbroker FFS ! Not like he was down a mine or in the steelworks !


I bet his dad retired when he was about 45 too

Through his paternal grandmother, Enid Agnes Maud Levita, Cameron is a direct descendant of King William IV by his mistress Dorothea Jordan.

Always knew he was a bastard of some sort.

Quote: Oldrocker @ June 18 2011, 9:36 PM BST

Mr Cameron also described how he learned his values from his own father, Ian Cameron, who died last year aged 77. He said: "From my father, I learned about responsibility. Seeing him get up before the crack of dawn to go and do a hard day's work and not come back until late at night had a profound impact on me."

If he learned from him why doesn't he follow his example?

It's comforting to know that when people all over the country are suffering - the man in charge is someone who was born with a silver spoon up his arse and hasn't had to worry about paying the bills or finding a job

everything handed to him on a plate since the day he was born

nothing wrong with that of course - he's a lucky man

it's just I can't see someone from his background empathising with people who are losing their homes and jobs when he has no inkling of what that life is like

Quote: DaButt @ June 17 2011, 2:28 PM BST

A power outage was caused when a tiny fawn came into contact with overhead power lines. How did it get there? Apparently it was dropped by a bald eagle.

(Avoid the link if you're offended by photos of baby deer dangling from power lines.)

That's strange as the deer carcase was on only one wire not shorting two together.

Quote: lofthouse @ June 18 2011, 10:18 PM BST

It's comforting to know that when people all over the country are suffering - the man in charge is someone who was born with a silver spoon up his arse and hasn't had to worry about paying the bills or finding a job everything handed to him on a plate since the day he was born nothing wrong with that of course - he's a lucky man it's just I can't see someone from his background empathising with people who are losing their homes and jobs when he has no inkling of what that life is like

The logical conclusion of that argument is that we should have a hobo as PM.

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