British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 389

Quote: DaButt @ June 11 2011, 11:25 AM BST

It's 5:25 and I just woke up to get a drink of water. I'll hit the sack again after perusing my e-mail and the morning's news.

(Riley realises that it is in fact getting on for midday here.)

Anything before 7 is outside my normal existence.

This thing with the exam questions being impossible to answer; why should anyone trust the education system if they can't even get such a simple and important thing right? The questions must have been checked...after all, that's what teachers tell the students to do.

Quote: DaButt @ June 11 2011, 11:18 AM BST

We improved it!

(By spelling some of the words wrong)

Whistling nnocently

Quote: DaButt @ June 11 2011, 11:18 AM BST

We improved it!

Actually in many cases the American words and spelling are the old english ones.

Quote: billwill @ June 11 2011, 3:09 PM BST

Actually in many cases the American words and spelling are the old english ones.

I heard that too - which shows how old fashioned they are.

Quote: Chappers @ June 11 2011, 3:17 PM BST

I heard that too - which shows how old fashioned they are.

You forgot the "e" at the end of old.

Do you guys spell "defensive" with an "s" or a "c"?

It's Defence and defensive. Totally logical.

Quote: Chappers @ June 11 2011, 5:01 PM BST

It's Defence and defensive. Totally logical.


Quote: DaButt @ June 11 2011, 3:35 PM BST

You forgot the "e" at the end of old.

Do you guys spell "defensive" with an "s" or a "c"?

Methinx, though I may have forgotten, that nouns have a C and verbs and adjectives have an S.

The Olympic organisers (LOCOG) want to trademark the year 2012.

So no diaries or calendars next year then!

That biz with Joss Stone is awful

some evil evil evil f**kers about


Well I heard that Dawn French has lost 3 Stones. Is there a connection?

Wanting to murder Joss Stone is so 2008.

A power outage was caused when a tiny fawn came into contact with overhead power lines. How did it get there? Apparently it was dropped by a bald eagle.

(Avoid the link if you're offended by photos of baby deer dangling from power lines.)

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