ISAAC NEWTON sits under a tree writing in a large book. He stops, looks puzzled. Suddenly an apple falls from above and hits him on the head. He picks up the apple. A revelation!!! NEWTON stands and runs back towards his house with the apple.
Cut to:
NEWTON is sat at a desk furiously scribbling in a book.
Fade out.
Fade up.
It's gone dark, NEWTON now working by candlelight at the same hectic pace.
Fade out.
Fade up.
Morning. NEWTON now covered in stubble. He takes an apple off his desk, throws it in the air, it lands on the floor. He goes back to his book and again scribbles at great pace.
Fade out.
Fade up.
Night time, a SERVANT enters the study with a tray of food. NEWTON waves her away barely taking his eyes off his writing. She exits shaking her head.
Fade out.
Fade up.
Morning. NEWTON looking absolutely exhausted writes one final line and finishes it with a firm full stop. He puts this page to the back of a large document on his desk. We cut to a shot of the document, the front page reads 'The Law of Universal Gravitation by Isaac Newton'.
NEWTON leans back on his chair happy. He takes a large clay pipe and lights it. He puts his feet on his desk and basks in the moment. He looks at an apple on his desk.
The apple shoots off his desk upwards and sticks to the ceiling.
NEWTON: Oh for f**ks sake.