British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 756

Quote: Badge @ June 5 2011, 8:23 PM BST

As someone has already pointed out (sorry, haven't checked who)


Quote: sootyj @ June 5 2011, 8:27 PM BST

I think the tension was very clever.

Tension in most action/scifi comes from asking certain questions.

The classic is "will the Dr prevail?" "will a well loved character die?"

And we know the answer will always be yes and no.

So Moffatt changed the question to, "how will the dr prevail?" and "how will he fail?"

Now waiting for those far more unpredictable answers was to me quite exciting. So when someone says "Dr you've never risen so far."

Boom! it actually genuinely thrilled me. The more succesful he became, the more the tension amped up because something was going to go wrong but what.

Yes it got alot wrong, the enemies were rubbish, Rory's stupid outfit and way too much talking in the last 5minutes.

But this is bold and innovative stuff.

Talk us through then in this episode how far the Doctor rose and then how far he fell? I mean specifically?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 5 2011, 8:32 PM BST

Melody is a bit of a rubbish name.


It has a ring to it.

Quote: Badge @ June 5 2011, 8:23 PM BST

As Marc P has already pointed out

Whistling nnocently

Did Moffat get some kind of YOU MUST HAVE GAY COUPLES clause in his contract when RTD handed it over?

If not, why are the scripts still FORCING IT DOWN OUR THROAT?

MarcP that's just a key phrase, a dog whistle to grab the audience's attention.

Like Rolo Temaze in LA Confidential.

So no he didn't rise particularly far, but he did fall quite spectacularly.

LA Confidential was brilliant.

true, probably the best known key phrase is Kaiser Sozeg

Quote: sootyj @ June 5 2011, 9:00 PM BST

Chip I do have to ask you the question I would ask of any misanthrope.

What would you call a good episode?


Quote: sootyj @ June 6 2011, 6:48 AM BST

So no he didn't rise particularly far, but he did fall quite spectacularly.

Did he?

Quote: Marc P @ June 5 2011, 11:34 PM BST

Talk us through then in this episode how far the Doctor rose and then how far he fell? I mean specifically?

That's what I meant about it being like a trailer. After it had finished I kept thinking, "When I see the proper episode I'll understand why this was the Doctor's greatest moment and darkest hour."

Quote: sootyj @ June 6 2011, 9:19 AM BST

true, probably the best known key phrase is Kaiser Sozeg

Thought that was the Usual Suspects?

That was Casablanca.

Quote: chipolata @ June 6 2011, 10:11 AM BST

Did he?

That's what I meant about it being like a trailer. After it had finished I kept thinking, "When I see the proper episode I'll understand why this was the Doctor's greatest moment and darkest hour."

I'm with Chip on this. Greatest moment - no, it was a trap. They ran away. Fall further than ever before - No. How much worse can it be to have committed genocide of your people?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 4 2011, 8:13 PM BST

I liked how Moffat voiced the concern that others have mentioned, of the Doctor being too much of a god/warrior in River's speech. Could that be setting something up for later? Is him dying a Reggie Perrin?

You might have a point with this. Moffat has been banging the Doctor-Is-The-Most-Feared-Man-In-The-Universe-Ever drum so loudly and relentlessly since he took over that in all likelyhood he will fake his own death. To save those he loves. Or something.

Although I'd have thought if he wanted to fake it he'd have done it in front of more people than just Pond, Rory and River.

Quote: KLRiley @ June 6 2011, 10:28 AM BST

I'm with Chip on this. Greatest moment - no, it was a trap.

Yes, it does seem strange that his greatest moment is him being outsmarted by eye-patch woman and made to look a sap.

Quote: chipolata @ June 6 2011, 10:40 AM BST

You might have a point with this. Moffat has been banging the [i]Doctor-Is-The-Mo

Yes, it does seem strange that his greatest moment is him being outsmarted by eye-patch woman and made to look a sap.

Yeah but it was Frances Barber!

Quote: Marc P @ June 6 2011, 10:28 AM BST

That was Casablanca.

Clever intextual gag there


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