British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 753

Quote: chipolata @ June 4 2011, 11:03 PM BST

No it isn't.

It isn't a good thing for kids to be brought up thinking gay people are the equal of straight?

That was a bit daffy, especially against such a rubbish enemy.

But it gave us that hilarious Sontran chameo.

Quote: Marc P @ June 4 2011, 10:57 PM BST

Well. Nice starters. Very poor pudding.

This post was brought to you by 'The Foundation For Enigmatic Marc P Episode Reviews'. Or TFFEMPER. ;)

Quote: sootyj @ June 4 2011, 11:10 PM BST

That was a bit daffy, especially against such a rubbish enemy.

But it gave us that hilarious Sontran chameo.

That Sontaran was funny, but I do think the way they have been shown in modern Who sort of cuts them out of ever being a credible baddie any more. They're too comedic.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 4 2011, 11:09 PM BST

It isn't a good thing for kids to be brought up thinking gay people are the equal of straight?

It is a good thing. But since when has it been Doctor Who's job to bring up our children? And the type of middle class Tarquins and Isabellas watching Who aren't exactly likely to be the next generation of hate crimers anyway.

Quote: chipolata @ June 4 2011, 11:19 PM BST

It is a good thing. But since when has it been Doctor Who's job to bring up our children?

It's not, but it doesn't hurt to have them in there every now and again.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 4 2011, 11:14 PM BST

That Sontaran was funny

Was that the one that looked like Peter Kay?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 4 2011, 11:20 PM BST

It's not, but it doesn't hurt to have them in there every now and again.

Yes, hopefully in the next half of the series the Sea Devils will pop up to remind us all to eat our five a day. Or the Three Gods of Ragnarok will stress upon us the importance of wearing seatbelts.

Quote: chipolata @ June 5 2011, 7:04 AM BST

Yes, hopefully in the next half of the series the Sea Devils will pop up to remind us all to eat our five a day. Or the Three Gods of Ragnarok will stress upon us the importance of wearing seatbelts.

Got to love Chips arguments sometimes, I'm tempted to scroll back to when he critizes the Doctor threatening the Dalek's with a jammy dodger as being an unfair representation on the biscuit industry, and why single out the jammy dodger as being the only potential lethal biscuit, what about hobnobs. Laughing out loud

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 4 2011, 11:14 PM BST

That Sontaran was funny, but I do think the way they have been shown in modern Who sort of cuts them out of ever being a credible baddie any more. They're too comedic.

They were quite scary in the Sara Jane adventures, the Daleks bounced back from those terrible 60s movies

Nowt wrong with the Peter Cushing movies. Loved those as a kid.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 4 2011, 11:14 PM BST

This post was brought to you by 'The Foundation For Enigmatic Marc P Episode Reviews'. Or TFFEMPER. ;)

Well it started with lots of action and things happening, maybe a bit bonkers but that's okay, but then it seemed to end with lots of talking. Didn't seem to be shaped right for me. I was a bit confused that the diary tells her that this the day the Doctor finds out who she is, surely her relationship to Amy would be more important and if she is to tell her, why did she wait till now? Isn't that the relationship that is important and by skewing it to her luvviefest with the Doctor it makes the Amy character a bit of a cipher?

The thing that sticks in my mind about the mid-series finale was how unmemorable it was. It really hasn't lingered in my mind at all. The Doctor's greatest hour seemed to boil down to him wearing a monks robe and his green lesbian friend turning the lights off. It doesn't really say much for the quality of his enemies that they're so easy to befuddle and thwart.

Quote: sootyj @ June 5 2011, 10:15 AM BST

They were quite scary in the Sara Jane adventures, the Daleks bounced back from those terrible 60s movies

Those movies were great. Especially the one in London.

Quote: sootyj @ June 5 2011, 10:15 AM BST

They were quite scary in the Sara Jane adventures,

They were good, but they seem to fit that show more as a baddie, just like the Slitheen do.

On the 'funny' thing; a lot of it was funny, and not in a way that detracted from the rest of it. As an episode, it was an enjoyable romp, but I could have done without the Doctor's posse, especially not those Spitfires.

Do we yet know what River did that put her in jail, and which (we're told) the Doctor would have disapproved of? I'm just wondering if, since she's still hiding that, then maybe she hasn't yet been honest about who she really is.

Quote: Nogget @ June 5 2011, 6:57 PM BST

Do we yet know what River did that put her in jail, and which (we're told) the Doctor would have disapproved of? .

We know she killed someone, but that's it.

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