British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 749

High budgetted nonsense so far but fun

unPC Stevie Wonder gag, but a goody.

"I don't know why you put up with me." *flicks tongue*

I do. Inter-species lesbicons. Nice.

This seems rather good in a no tension sort of way.

It feels like an extended trailer, and there's no depth or drama, but it's fun.

"That's the attack prayer" Laughing out loud

Ok that was ace and a great twist and everyone who disagrees can snog Tom Baker's yellow teeth

Not much of a cliffhanger. Fun start but it fizzled to nothing. And the big River reveal wasn't much of a surprise.

It was ace and it's showing the mastery of post modern tension that this series has mastered.

Quote: chipolata @ June 4 2011, 7:29 PM BST

And the big River reveal wasn't much of a surprise.

Well that's because they'd given you all the clues; if it had turned out to be something else, then you'd have people complaining there was no way we could have hoped to work it out. He laid out all the clues during the arc stories, rather than just coming up with something out of the blue.

Quote: sootyj @ June 4 2011, 7:31 PM BST

It was ace and it's showing the mastery of post modern tension that this series has mastered.

Laughing out loud I hear the emperor's got some great new clothes, too. ;)

Urgh. Here we go again.

Some of us with true perception have learned to appreciate imperial bell end as the highest state of fashion.

The episode itself was full of goodies; it didn't all come together but then I assume this is just part one, and 'Let's Kill Hitler' (Ace title) is part two.

Oh, and Rory didn't die again, well done Rory!

Quote: Gavin @ June 4 2011, 7:36 PM BST

Urgh. Here we go again.


I'm with sooty!
That was good stuff.

Quote: zooo @ June 4 2011, 7:37 PM BST

I'm with sooty!
That was good stuff.

It was, it was fun, and dark in places; and the revelation that the baby had been swapped genuinly surprised me.

Zooo, I'd leave again if I were you, this won't be pretty.

Also, you just know if RTD was still in charge, he'd now be looking into a spin off in Victorian England showing the adventures of the Silurian and her lesbian, sword wielding companion.

Another thing, Rory has been great this series.

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