British Comedy Guide

Not for the faint hearted

:D Hello I'm Kari and I am just joining the forum for the free champagne and chocolates really. Wave

I'm a pesky student at Durham uni, I have a brother and two sisters who mean the world to me, and my parents of course and last but definitely not least is my nan who makes me laugh more than any comedy has every dared try :D

My fave comedy is Ideal, I just think the cast, the script, the filming and everything about it is just brilliant.

If there was one comedy that was written for my sense of humour it has to be Father Ted.

I've fallen in love with Karl Pilkington, he really makes me giggle.

I also love reading Danny Wallace books and "Join Me" was my favourite.

I probably take life far less seriously than I ought to and I have comedy legs, they are like two pieces of string. Rolling eyes

Looking forward to chatting to you all xxxxx ;) <3

Hi there I have a cousin called Kari although seefacts won't believe me!
Welcome. :)

Laughing out loud Thanks for the welcome Marc, it means a lot xxx Wave

s'up Kari


:D Hi Lofthouse nice to meet you. Wave


I'm quite new here too actually.

At first I was appalled by the mindless abuse and threats of physical violence I was subjected too by just about everyone here.

But hey! You get used to it in time and I hardly ever cry anymore at all.

Laughing out loud Ha ha ha I can see you've only done just over 500 posts so we can be new together if that's ok?

I won't let anybody be violent towards you providing I can beat you to a pulp on occassions. Whistling nnocently

I'll even get some tissues in for when you do cry if that helps and a cloth for you to bite on. Angelic

Quote: Kari Smattick @ May 29 2011, 10:56 PM BST

I'll even get some tissues in for when you do cry if that helps and a cloth for you to bite on. Angelic

When I smattick!

Laughing out loud I love you guys already Hug

Welcome Ms Smattick, it's a pleasure to meet you. Be part of the gang and get yourself over to the Newbies Club. *whispers* it's what the cool kids are doing ;)

Hello and welcome Kari Smattick.

You'll do well here, I can tell.

Hiya Wave

:D Hello Goose 24. Top Banana, and Shandonbelle Wave thank you all so much for the lovely welcome, you are very kind and I can tell this forum is full of fun as well as comedy Lovey love it!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

We're all* sexy, too.

*69% of us, anyhoo.

Kari on luggage?


Welcome! Wave

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