British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 737

That's the f**king point. You c**ts haven't got an answer either, have you - they're throwing away one of the strongest elements of the model. Maybe you see it now.

You're such a sweary boy.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 27 2011, 2:48 PM BST

That's the f**king point. You c**ts haven't got an answer either, have you - they're throwing away one of the strongest elements of the model.

Well, they do throw it away. But you always hope things will change. That might be ridiculous and massively unrealistic, but it doesn't stop you hoping.

But sure, it would be jolly nice if they were on other planets more. Only once so far this series.

Quote: chipolata @ May 27 2011, 3:02 PM BST

Well, they do throw it away. But you always hope things will change. That might be ridiculous and massively unrealistic, but it doesn't stop you hoping.

Hope does not exits in Chip's Dojo.

They only have to find an unused quarry to be on a different planet after all.

Like I mentioned, I would certainly prefer more off-Earth adventures, but I know a couple of reasons, whether you or I agree with them or not, why the don't. Firstly, it's assumed that most general viewers will engage more quickly with on Earth adventures and human characters, rather than caring about the fate of Grill-Zappa on the planet Murgatron. Secondly, it's easier to create settings for stories on Earth than create completely alien yet credible worlds week after week.

I can see what they're getting at, but I don't think it would be too much of a stretch for two or three more episodes a series to be off-Earth.

Quote: Marc P @ May 27 2011, 3:04 PM BST

They only have to find an unused quarry to be on a different planet after all.

Having every other alien world just be a quarry would quickly attract it's own negative reactions and general mockery; like it did in the classic series. If you're creating a populated world, most probably wouldn't resemble quarries!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 27 2011, 2:54 PM BST

You're such a sweary boy.

The clue's in the name.

Quote: Marc P @ May 27 2011, 3:04 PM BST

They only have to find an unused quarry to be on a different planet after all.

last week's show is a case in point. Easily set on another planet. I actually think they've lost their balls a bit with visiting other planets. They're so obsessed with being post-modern and clever - they don't want to go to another planet unless they do something clever with it.

Not the point. Space travel and other planets is part of the furniture of an SF show. It's like a wooden bar in a pub. It has to be there, even if no show is made of it. You wouldn't drink in a pub with a formica bar.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 27 2011, 3:16 PM BST

The clue's in the name.

last week's show is a case in point. Easily set on another planet.

Yes, this was the point I was making - the quarry was just a wee joke and a nod to Blakes Seven more really. :)

Quote: Marc P @ May 27 2011, 3:18 PM BST

Yes, this was the point I was making - the quarry was just a wee joke

VERY wee. ;)

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 27 2011, 3:16 PM BST

last week's show is a case in point. Easily set on another planet.

It should have been, I have no idea why it wasn't. In fact, I suspect it probably originally was, and for some reason they changed it.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 27 2011, 3:22 PM BST

It should have been, I have no idea why it wasn't. In fact, I suspect it probably originally was, and for some reason they changed it.

Probably because it leads inton the final episode. Which is probably set on earth.

Quote: chipolata @ May 27 2011, 3:26 PM BST

Probably because it leads inton the final episode. Which is probably set on earth.

That is my suspicion too. I know this ep ends on some sort of big cliffhanger, so perhaps it had to be on Earth for some reason that will become apparent. Or maybe not.

Is it simply a cash issue? Quite a lot of series 1 of Nu Who was spent on space stations and new, new, new (etc) Earth.
But the current story could easily be on another planet.

The fear issue is probably the main reason. RTD pretty much set the tone and style for New Who, and that's stayed pretty consistant for the last 5 or 6 years. Moffat's tinkered with it slightly, and cut down the camp etc, but it's largely the same show. A show that stayed Earth-bound for fear of alienating viwers. And since it's been a success in the ratings - and continues to do pretty well - it's hard to see those involved feeling the need to change it radically any time soon.

Quote: chipolata @ May 27 2011, 4:59 PM BST

The fear issue is probably the main reason. RTD pretty much set the tone and style for New Who, and that's stayed pretty consistant for the last 5 or 6 years. Moffat's tinkered with it slightly, and cut down the camp etc, but it's largely the same show. A show that stayed Earth-bound for fear of alienating viwers. And since it's been a success in the ratings - and continues to do pretty well - it's hard to see those involved feeling the need to change it radically any time soon.

So I suppose the fact that it causes Godot to Hulk out isn't reason enough for you? You make me sick.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 25 2011, 3:15 PM BST

So long as it's on Earth.

Earth bound ones do away with a lot of silliness trying to make cheapo sets look aline (old and new Who) and I suspect savce a lot of money,

not to mention the highly thought of Pertwee era was almost entirely set on Earth

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