British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 378

No link because I saw it for real.
Oxford circus today about 1.30. Lots of honking of horns, which is nothing odd. Lots of buses going nowhere, which again is normal. It was the OAPs who had chained themselves to the fronts of the buses and the guys (and gals) who had handcuffed themselves to the backs of the buses and padlocked their wheelchairs together.
I stopped for a quick chat because they didn't look like the average rent a mob and they weren't. Terribly nice, very genteel but desperate. Victims of the Coalition and the 'reforms' to the benefit system.

Fabulous to see people protesting but depressing that they felt they had no other route by which they could be taken seriously. Despicable treatment of the poor and least able to fight for themselves by the government.

Quote: zooo @ May 24 2011, 5:59 PM BST

Especially if the people he told to give up all their money and sell their houses catch up with him.

But why did they do this? if the world was going to end, what the bloody hell would giving away their money and possessions going to do for the people they gave it to? Errr

Do you honestly think that logic comes into it Rob?

Quote: KLRiley @ May 26 2011, 7:37 PM BST

Do you honestly think that logic comes into it Rob?

I think religious fanatics are quite a logical lot on the whole. Honest.

Don'cha just love Boris? !

Think what could be done with that £5.2 million.

Get a haircut?

Quote: Rob H @ May 26 2011, 7:39 PM BST

I think religious fanatics are quite a logical lot on the whole. Honest.

Muslims attack RE teacher


Quote: KLRiley @ May 26 2011, 9:19 PM BST

Think what could be done with that £5.2 million.

I could almost clear my overdraft.

Quote: Rob H @ May 26 2011, 9:24 PM BST

Muslims attack RE teacher


Nice beard choices...

Not as good as yours, eh? ;)

Any deportation orders attached to the sentence?

No, I thought not. We're stuck with them.

Quote: Rob H @ May 26 2011, 9:24 PM BST

Muslims attack RE teacher

WTF? Not having a go you at you Rob but did you read that report? Within it is the throw away line "The court heard how the men were only caught because Hussein's car was being bugged on an unrelated matter." And the rest of the story ignores this.

What on earth was this guy being bugged for and by whom?

He's probably a known criminal.

At the risk of soundingly politically correct, there's nothing in the article to suggest they're not British. Not terribly British behaviour admittedly, whatever that means.

Quote: Rob H @ May 26 2011, 9:44 PM BST

Not as good as yours, eh? ;)


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