Thursday 26th May 2011 12:48am [Edited]
563 posts
I think my thoughts have been hinted at here. 
The sitcoms from decades past that still show and are still known are the cream of their time - there were plenty of others that weren't so great that have been forgotten. Among the seventies shows that still screen, for example, not many reach the sophistication of "Fawlty Towers".
Comedy is also very subjective - what seems badly dated to one viewer will still seem fresh to another and the seventies, eighties and nineties all had a fair abundance of good shows - they just catered to the taste of the biggest demographics of the time.
Also, the 'defining' shows of any one era are bound not to sit with some fans who loved the 'defining' shows of another era - as it is in these programmes that the difference is most marked.
The 'alternative' generation that broke ground in the late seventies onwards was certainly not for everyone. Some thought that the new stuff was 'The Emperor's New Clothes', but by the late seventies there was a lot of stale, vaguely offensive mother-in-law stuff doing the rounds - so maybe the Emperor wasn't that well dressed to start with.
I think there are still lots of great shows now but I agree that, aside from something like "Miranda" there are not as many great family sitcoms being made, and the best stuff is aimed at a decidedly adult audience, which is a new phenomenon. This was happening in the eighties and nineties too, but there was still a steady stream of family viewing.
There are a few kids/teenage sitcoms being made, but these sometimes feel a bit thrown together and condescending - "it's only for kids - it doesn't need to be that good". This is a real area for growth.