British Comedy Guide

Is it time? Page 5

I enjoy the forums less than when I joined, but I had put that down to the inevitable effects of familiarity; it is conceivable that the lame attempts of us old farts to be funny might still be amusing to newcomers.

There are a few arseholes on the boards, but then there always have been; for the most part they either go away or develop into BCG institutions.

Perhaps a little less tolerance of trolls by our otherwise excellent mods might not go amiss, but for the most part if we stay off controversial subjects like politics, religion and Dr Who (and for Stott Who is a religion) it all remains good tempered, which is more than can said for most forums.

And frankly I have to find something to do at work all day.

Where are half the moderators these days?

Quote: Ben @ May 25 2011, 7:24 PM BST

Who are half the moderators these days?

Aar, Zo and Ma

Well that didn't last long did it!

I am in a period of transition in my life which is taking longer than I thought and consequently my creativity seems to have come to a halt - although I did submit a sketch to Newsrevue today about my favourite Scotsman and his Welsh employee.

Sorry to be a bit serious - although most of my humour was non-existent anyway. Watching Cemetary Junction as I write this.

Ha! Wave Welcome back!




Quote: Timbo @ May 25 2011, 7:22 PM BST

Perhaps a little less tolerance of trolls by our otherwise excellent mods might not go amiss.

Damn straight.

Quote: Badge @ May 25 2011, 9:38 PM BST

Damn straight.

It's very hard to get a perfect balance.
But to be fair, one of the biggest recent trolls (who hasn't even been on for months) still has a massive fanclub. None of whom are the mods...

Meh, some people are idiots.

Quote: zooo @ May 25 2011, 9:41 PM BST

one of the biggest recent trolls (who hasn't even been on for months)

Laughing out loud
You don't really believe that do you?

Quote: Chappers @ May 25 2011, 8:13 PM BST

Well that didn't last long did it!

I am in a period of transition in my life which is taking longer than I thought and consequently my creativity seems to have come to a halt - although I did submit a sketch to Newsrevue today about my favourite Scotsman and his Welsh employee.

Sorry to be a bit serious - although most of my humour was non-existent anyway. Watching Cemetary Junction as I write this.

Jeez Chappers at your age isn't the next transition rising from the grave?

I kid get writing, your creativity will come back and meet you half way.

Quote: Badge @ May 25 2011, 9:45 PM BST

Laughing out loud
You don't really believe that do you?

Well this is the trouble isn't it.
Unless there is decent proof that someone is doing something like that, we can't risk banning genuine users.
And meanwhile it's not terribly helpful for there to be an atmosphere where it's okay to throw accusations around and suspect all and sundry.

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