British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,723

:(! Roscoff - Hug

Quote: roscoff @ May 23 2011, 1:30 PM BST

Talking of status-quite possibly single again :( any takers for a bit of Roscoff lurve? <3

Welcome back.


You've been gone a while

Quote: bigfella @ May 23 2011, 8:08 PM BST


You've been gone a while

I've been about mate. How've you been?

Yes not bad.

Apart from people trying to sell me a 23 grand training course over the weekend.

Quote: bigfella @ May 23 2011, 8:24 PM BST

Yes not bad.

Apart from people trying to sell me a 23 grand training course over the weekend.

Better be some impressive f**king course for that much. lol

Police are breaking into a flat across the street. It's either a brazen flaunting of their authority or something rather more unsettling. Hopefully the occupants are OK. :(

Or thanks to Cameron's cuts they're burglarising it them selves.

Fears this animation will never be finished.


Quote: Nil Putters @ May 23 2011, 9:56 PM BST


Don't elephant trunk me Putters :P

Police update: They're still trying to break in - a neighbour has just gone up to them and asked them to be quiet because his kids are trying to get to sleep.

That scenario belongs in a script!

How long can it take?

Will Cam has either made the best decision of his life, or the worst. My mortgage is finished next July/August. I have just put an offer in on a second property (releasing equity from my current house). I am intending taking out a mortgage over 15 years. It's a buyers market at the moment so if I rent it out (covers bout half the mortgage) and prices rise again in the near future I might make a good profit (well I won't because the plan is to sell it to my lad in 5 years time for the price we paid for it to help him on to the property ladder). WTF am I doing >_<

*grumbles* I have about 27 years left on mine. :(

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