British Comedy Guide

Is it time?

I've been on this site a few years now and I know I've made loads of pointless comments on here. However I'm beginning to think I'm wasting my time coming on here.

Lots of the clever banter seems to be getting buried by people starting threads (yes - I know) that really are pointless and going over ground that has been covered loads of times or starting ones that make no real sense or have no real humour in them. There was a time when I could read every post but now it's not possible. It's too distracting and I realise some new people on here don't realise things have been covered before.

Anyway - like many before I'm giving myself a break from here. Yes - I know that many people won't give a toss - but at the moment I'm not getting any pleasure from the site. I know I'll propbably come back from time to time.

I have made some good friends and contacts on here and there are odd things that I find useful.

Sorry Aaron and Mark. Nothing to do with you. I think you're doing a great service.

Bye for now.

Sorry to hear you're not enjoying it anymore, Chappers. I guess it is a different forum from the early days. Hope you come back after recharging your batteries as it's always a shame to lose one of the old stalwarts.

Quote: Chappers @ May 23 2011, 11:48 AM BST

Lots of the clever banter seems to be getting buried by people starting threads (yes - I know) that really are pointless and going over ground that has been covered loads of times or starting ones that make no real sense or have no real humour in them. There was a time when I could read every post but now it's not possible. It's too distracting and I realise some new people on here don't realise things have been covered before.

It is going through a bit of a phase of that right now.

But we've had phases like that before and come out the other side! Hope you'll be back when it does.

(Of course, if all the regulars abandon ship, that phase will last even longer...) ;)

Lots of the clever banter seems to be getting buried by people starting threads (yes - I know) that really are pointless and going over ground that has been covered loads of times or starting ones that make no real sense or have no real humour in them

That is the nature of all public forums that have been up a long time. I have been a member of a specialised technical help forum since 1999 and the same things repeat all the time.

I am still a 'new boy' on here and even I can see that a batch of absurd posters seem to have arrived.

It's a shame chappers, you are one of the people I like to read.

I think you are being a bit harsh on the new posters Chappers. There should be three natural outcomes for seemingly pointless/repetitive threads:

1.No one replies and they die a death
2.The Mods close them (giving constructive feedback to the poster)
3. If a load of members post on the thread accept that the majority of active posters actually like the thread and either join in or abstain.

This site needs new blood (I am still relatively new myself). Some of the 'culprits' are new but have maintained their interest and have healthy post numbers (not that that matters). So many new posters last about 6 posts before disappearing, the ones who hang around need to be nurtured (or is that neutered :P).

I thinks some long-time posters are busy elsewhere which changes the dynamic of the site. If you look at Critique you will see a drop off in terms of replies from experienced members (probably due to them concentrating on other projects).

Bad news you feel that way mate, come back soon!

Stay on messenger though! or else *shakes fist*

It certainly needs new blood. And we always welcome friendly, enthusiastic (and even unfriendly and unenthusiastic!) posters.

But, without naming names (and I'm not sure I even could off the top of my head), over the past few months there have been a few that are just beyond the pale. I can understand why some people might be driven to take a short break from the place.

This site does get incredibly dull at times. It's the profile pics I feel sorry for.

There should be a section where you can put your avatar to death. Somewhere you can hang a little noose 'round its neck, open a trapdoor, and wave it on its way. Safe in the knowledge it's going to a better place.

Hang on in there Chappers.

And start some threads yourself, don't be put off by the young pups.

Quote: zooo @ May 23 2011, 12:56 PM BST

over the past few months there have been a few that are just beyond the pale. I can understand why some people might be driven to take a short break from the place.

I warned you not to go into that Doctor Who thread, Zooo!

Comeback soon Chappers.


Quote: Marc P @ May 23 2011, 12:58 PM BST

I warned you not to go into that Doctor Who thread, Zooo!

The Doctor Who thread's probably the liveliest on here - even if we do say the same things on it week after week and year after year!

It's probably more fun in the rape thread than the Who one.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 23 2011, 1:06 PM BST

It's probably more fun in the rape thread than the Who one.

For you maybe.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 23 2011, 1:06 PM BST

It's probably more fun in the rape thread than the Who one.

Why not combine the two with a Sootyj inspired 'Which Doctor Would You Rape' thread?

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