British Comedy Guide

The News getting upset about that gagging order Page 9

The saddest thing is all the people who were desperate to find out


If the hairy welsh prat once to knock off some airhead on the side and ruin his marriage then let him

Who gives a toss

As a Man Utd fan, I'm quite interested in the story. He's always been put forward as the epitome of a professional who keeps his head down and gets on with his job. I couldn't believe it when the news broke and assumed it would turn out to be someone else. Sadly, this hasn't happened and I feel let down as a lot of fans have.

As to the story, not bothered. If he'd let the NOTW print it it would have pseudo shock horror for a couple days, the loss of a sponsorship possibly and then it would have died down. My interest in purely in the mechanics/legalities of getting a superinjunction and how the law can even try to police the internet. Its also a point where I hate to sound as if I agree with Dave (I don't.) But the creation and spread of these orders has no basis in statute and that's Parliament's job. The courts can try to correct a bad decision but they are not supposed to make up law for themselves.
Policing of the Internet could be done. Stories can be blocked in various jusridictions. China is pretty good at making sure stuff isn't circulated that doesn't fit with the Party line. Anyone remember a few years back some story concerning Prince Charles and allegations made by a member of staff? It couldn't be found using a computer with the UK address but was widely reported elsewhere. But pre-Twitter. I wouldn't think that a story could be suppressed the same way.
What I'm watching for is what happens with the other injunctions and not just the ones about actors and their proclivitie. What about people trying to fight their local councils over decisions that adversely affect them? There is a wider principle and that's is what some sections of the media were up in arams about. Admittedly some publication just wanted to tell us all about the gory details of footballers behaving badly but sadly that's what sells those types of papers.

Quote: Ben @ May 22 2011, 2:05 PM BST

Brave move by the Sunday Herald.

Brave is one word, publicity stunt is another. Well, that's two words.

Quote: Ben @ May 22 2011, 2:41 PM BST

As a Man Utd fan, I'm quite interested in the story. He's always been put forward as the epitome of a professional who keeps his head down and gets on with his job. I couldn't believe it when the news broke and assumed it would turn out to be someone else. Sadly, this hasn't happened and I feel let down as a lot of fans have.

Men are men at the end of the day; even the most level headed can have their head turned by a pair of boobies.

Quote: KLRiley @ May 22 2011, 3:04 PM BST

Anyone remember a few years back some story concerning Prince Charles and allegations made by a member of staff? It couldn't be found using a computer with the UK address but was widely reported elsewhere. But pre-Twitter. I wouldn't think that a story could be suppressed the same way.

Oh yeah I remember that. The accusation that Charles had partaken in an affair with a male member of staff.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 22 2011, 3:09 PM BST

Men are men at the end of the day; even the most level headed can have their head turned by a pair of boobies.

Well there's a depressing sentence. On a few levels.

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2011, 3:11 PM BST

Well there's a depressing sentence. On a few levels.

And even the most level headed woman can have their head turned by a dashing man with a winning smile.

Both sexes can be weak, both sexes cheat!

That makes it slightly better. ;)

At least you didn't say 'by a pair of bollocks'.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 22 2011, 3:09 PM BST

a pair of boobies.

Where? WHERE?!

I don't know who or what we're talking about; I'm just here for the boobies.


A year's worth in one!

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2011, 3:28 PM BST

Is that Ellie?

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2011, 3:28 PM BST

A year's worth in one!

She seems nice.

Found this in Bizarre.

Maybe offensive to some.

But you knew that didn't you?

Quote: DaButt @ May 22 2011, 3:27 PM BST

I don't know who or what we're talking about; I'm just here for the boobies.

And that's why he's voting Palin for president!

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2011, 3:42 PM BST

And that's why he's voting Palin for president!

I'll vote for her if she lets me touch her boobies.

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