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Doctor Who... Page 722

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 21 2011, 10:52 PM BST

Battlestar? Well, more a whole heap of little steals; including BG, Blade Runner, The Thing, etc.

This one, for me, wasn't up their with the opening two parter, or last weeks, but it was a whole heap better than the priates one. It felt very much like a story from the original run.

Well true about the little steals but BSG was more recent I guess and more specific than the Blade Runner in terms of the science creating the dilemma. (people killed and re-birthed in a tank somewhere else with memories and emotions intact.} Also the reason why they wanted to kill each other immediately seemed a bit out of the blue. They had time I think to motivate and explore further and I do think this comes down to structural questions. I also think that the trouble in some ways is that the show is trying to move into BSG (and etc) territory, audience wise, under Moff, while still being a children's show. They could fall between two camps and alienate the polarised audience. Not me and you I guess. But mainstream over time.

I'm glad the clones weren't being used for spare parts, like in The Island or The Clonus Horror.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 12:26 AM BST

I also can't stand the mawkish bathos of characters remembering specific details of 'red wellington boots' and 'pints of tea' in an attempt to pull on the heartstrings. It's revolting ersatz emotion

You are a hard man Griff. I thought the underpinning of emotional ties by concrete example was valid in terms of setting up the conflict, and about the the only time the episode made dramatic sense. Both the humans and their gangers have a life they are desperate to return to, but there is room for only one.

C'mon Griff it was very cleverly written.

It starts off

"Red wellies and sore toes"

then becomes

"I'm off to see my son"

"So am I..shit!"

And even the red welly bit had a nice subtle bit about, having a stronger self that saved her.

For me it probably benefited from being quite similar to Kiln People one of my fave scifi books.

I suppose there was a lack of tension at the half way mark, but there was enough solid ents to make up for that. And Rory is turning out be one of the better companions.

Where it was filmed reminded me of Fort Boyard. I half expected disgraced TV star Leslie Grantham and some dwarves to pop up along the way.

My gripe was they had a massive threat in

"jets of flesh melting acid popping out of the wall at any moment and giant lakes of said stuff flowing out of the ground"

which lead to the Dr losing his shoes and Amy wincing once.

And you're right if the Dr being *spoiler* was supposed to be the end of episode shocker then it was a bit bleedin' obvious.

Of course I think like much Who the whole thing spins on one or 2 great scenes. And the bit where the originals and the gangers realise no they can't share their lives because of the discussion about visiting thingies son.

That was ace and shows for me Who doing some of the big scifi ideas stuff again.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 9:41 AM BST

It was filmed at Caerphilly Castle.

It's in good knick was it "caerphilly built?"

Dan's Media Digest is a well written site. Not keen on ratings out of 4 though. Who does he think he is? Roger Ebert?

I like how every episode they save money by using the same footage of the Doctor looking at the monitor showing Amy Pond "Pregnant/Not pregnant", then looking anxiously at Amy.

Quote: chipolata @ May 22 2011, 11:03 AM BST

I like how every episode they save money by using the same footage of the Doctor looking at the monitor showing Amy Pond "Pregnant/Not pregnant", then looking anxiously at Amy.

I'd like to look anxiously at Amy and think "Is she pregnant?" before leaving and promising to call the next day.

By the way did anyone get what the acid was all about? Where is it coming from? What is it used for? Is it the same stuff the gangers are made from? etc etc.

It's for the Time Druids, they make an appearance in the next episode.

Quote: Timbo @ May 22 2011, 11:30 AM BST

By the way did anyone get what the acid was all about? Where is it coming from? What is it used for? Is it the same stuff the gangers are made from? etc etc.

Maybe it's Planet Duracel.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 11:36 AM BST

Eisteddfod Of Death. I like it.

Actually come to think of it - so do I! They must have done stonehenge (?) but the Cromlechs in Wales - ever done that?

Quote: chipolata @ May 22 2011, 11:03 AM BST

I like how every episode they save money by using the same footage of the Doctor looking at the monitor showing Amy Pond "Pregnant/Not pregnant", then looking anxiously at Amy.

It's not the same footage, but yes, three times is more than enough for basically the same thing.

Quote: Timbo @ May 22 2011, 11:30 AM BST

By the way did anyone get what the acid was all about? Where is it coming from? What is it used for? Is it the same stuff the gangers are made from? etc etc.

It's not the same stuff, the Gangers aren't made of acid.

Quote: Griff @ May 22 2011, 12:26 AM BST

At least the Doctor hasn't starting bawling and snivelling yet like last week.

Come on, that was completely earned; and it's nice to know that, this many years in, the character can go to reasonably new places.

The acid might be setting up the last story before the break. Maybe cybermen use it for something.

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