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Bloody windows! Chip's got a midge in his eye! Angry

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 17 2011, 3:41 PM BST

Andy was like, "Just use red eye removal!". I couldn't believe it when it worked.

What an excellent idea! I'll see how red eye removal works on my collection of readers' wives porn and report back. Thanks. :)

Quote: chipolata @ May 17 2011, 4:33 PM BST

Bloody windows! Chip's got a midge in his eye! Angry

What does this mean?

A (rubbish quality) photo on FB for those of you who have me added!

Looks good. :)

Did it hurt

Yesss! The colouring in hurt more, strangely.

Quote: bigfella @ May 17 2011, 5:48 PM BST

What does this mean?

It means I had a midge in my eye. It's gone now but I was touched by all your sympathy for my near-blinding.

When you said Bloody Windows, we all thought it was a computer thing & midge in your eye meant a computer virus or Porn that had just cut out.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 17 2011, 5:51 PM BST

A (rubbish quality) photo on FB for those of you who have me added!

It is cute.
If you become a criminal mastermind or spy in the future your codename can be The Ladybird.

So is it actually based on the one from Ladybird books? Because that would be very, very cool.

Thank yooou! It's based on a photo some guy took for a nature catalogue or something. My mummy found it. :)

Aw. Mummy helped.
Elliot has to get one now. Of a dinosaur. I demand it.

Haha! I am scared he will hate it.

Quote: zooo @ May 17 2011, 8:09 PM BST

If you become a criminal mastermind or spy in the future your codename can be The Ladybird.

I'd imagine that a tattoo is a no-no when it comes to being a spy. That's one profession you can kiss goodbye, missy.

I am crap at keeping secrets anyway!

Quote: chipolata @ May 17 2011, 6:46 PM BST

It means I had a midge in my eye. It's gone now but I was touched by all your sympathy for my near-blinding.

What the XXXX have windows got to do with this incident Chip?

near-blinding? Was it actually a sparrow?

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