British Comedy Guide

Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 83

Lofthouse is planning to change his name to Judge John Deed won't be anything official, just written in neat handwriting in his My Little Pony note book.

Following an operation in his childhood, Tuumble had his left teste removed.

He keeps it in a jam jar and calls it Wayne.

lofthouse rejects Satan but married Vanessa Feltz.

What a f**kin dichotomy.

Every year Will Cam takes part in a single sculls rowing event at the Henley Regatta along with Won't Ox.


Rapes cheese
Eats fleas
Knits Bees
And Shits Trees

Will wears his grandad's bra to Ascot as an amusing hat. Every year.

John Lucas has a nightly ritual where at 7pm every evening he listens to The Archers, whilst tempting next doors jack russell to lick off the dog food he has smeared around his bare scrotal region.

Lofthouse doesn't know the meaning of failure.

He's not successful. Just stupid.

Jack is off to Asda to print his Royal Wedding photos, He will eat the 'Maxi-Treat' big breakfast with extra hash browns.

A car park fine will ensue as parked in 'mother and kiddies' space.

...with Wolfy and a donkey! And then dellas grabbed the lemon curd, and...what? WHAT???!!! Damn! I thought I was still in private messaging..

Stylee TingTing is a cyborg robot battle warrior from the future.

He was sent back to the year 2011 to wage bloody war on humanity until all cower at his feet begging for mercy.

However he couldn't be bothered with all that so just spends most of his time down the bookies or frapping over pr0n on teh internet.

Lofthouse is one of the Wisconsin Lofthouses. He moved to the UK to make his fortune selling vacuum cleaners to coal miners.

"Big" Jack? That's not what dellas reckons..

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ May 14 2011, 10:20 AM BST

"Big" Jack? That's not what dellas reckons..

I didn't write that!

Stylee TingTing bathes everyday in Vimto

Hence the sickly, fruity aroma he gives off when nearby

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