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Runs to Norfolk.

I thought you never left Norfolk?

I mean that train only goes out 5 miles before rolling back.

Quote: Marc P @ May 12 2011, 10:34 AM BST

What does fancy sex involve?

Judging by the unsolicited pictures he's sent me of his skinny torso, probably some kind of concentration camp role playing.

I do seriously give up. I can't work out if I'm unlucky, making bad choices, or if there's just something really drastically wrong with me.

I'll just blame anyone with a y chromosome until I figure it out.

Being from oop north surely you mean a y aye chromosone?

Quote: sootyj @ May 12 2011, 10:40 AM BST

Being from oop north surely you mean a y aye chromosone?


N.B. RIP my beard lost in a tragic beard trimmer accident.

He had a good long life, for a beard.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 12 2011, 10:39 AM BST

Judging by the unsolicited pictures he's sent me of his skinny torso, probably some kind of concentration camp role playing.

I do seriously give up. I can't work out if I'm unlucky, making bad choices, or if there's just something really drastically wrong with me.

I'll just blame anyone with a y chromosome until I figure it out.

Maybe you should just have sex with him so he'll leave you alone?

Quote: Rob H @ May 12 2011, 10:45 AM BST

Maybe you should just have sex with him so he'll leave you alone?

Worst ventriloquists chat up line ever!

Are you implying that'll put him off?

Not a bad idea, seems to work with everyone else Whistling nnocently

Quote: JoLaw @ May 12 2011, 10:49 AM BST

Are you implying that'll put him off?

Not a bad idea, seems to work with everyone else Whistling nnocently

This is precisely what I was alluding to.

Of course, this may just open the door to self-loathing, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

That door has been opened, stepped through, closed behind me, locked and the key melted down.

He's still a prick though.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 12 2011, 10:31 AM BST

I am officially giving up on men. Rolling eyes

So you're free to pursue Nat now?

That's probably true.

I think it's because lots of men would find it great if a woman texted us semi-naked pictures of themselves so it therefore follows that the converse is also true.

Quote: chipolata @ May 12 2011, 10:27 AM BST

Pff! He was all over Tim earlier in the week. "Walker's my hero!" Right under my nose!

I am merely Walker's acolyte, whereas I'll always be your lover/fancy f**kpig.

Jo, you need blame neither men generally nor yourself. You've been a bit unlucky recently in that you seem to be attractng some mentals, but that won't last. Youre awesome and people see that (which is why you get so many people aftr you), it's just the law of averages that there won't always be good ones around.

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