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Quote: sootyj @ May 11 2011, 2:31 PM BST

As written on the gravestone of planet Earth.

If every American dried his white sheets and briefs on a line there would be so much sunlight reflected back into the sky that the planet would enter a new ice age. So stop bitching and get back to slapping your filthy garments on a flat rock on the edge of the Thames.

Quote: DaButt @ May 11 2011, 2:22 PM BST

1) I don't think outside clothes lines are allowed in my community. They're considered an eyesore

By comparison, a clothes line is considered romantic over here. Yet a rotary one is thought vulgar by some.

Quote: DaButt @ May 11 2011, 2:39 PM BST

If every American dried his white sheets and briefs on a line there would be so much sunlight reflected back into the sky that the planet would enter a new ice age. So stop bitching and get back to slapping your filthy garments on a flat rock on the edge of the Thames.

You all have white sheets?

Has Obama lead to a resurgance of the KKK

Quote: Nogget @ May 11 2011, 2:43 PM BST

By comparison, a clothes line is considered romantic over here. Yet a rotary one is thought vulgar by some.

and the only means for Liberal Democrats to steal giant lady's knickers for their malign purposes.

Just checked my homeowners association rules and it appears that clotheslines are legal:

All service and sanitation facilities, clothes lines and wood piles must be enclosed within fences, walls and/or landscaping so as not to be visible from any streets or Common Areas.

I'll bet there's not a single one in my neighborhood of 1200 homes. Perhaps I'll be the first and wave these "I Love Beer" boxers proudly in the breeze after I take them off this evening.

Will Cam had been invited to a corporate type free dinner today (big boss didn't want to go). Imagine my surprise on turning up at the proposed venue to find no one there. My surprise was further enhanced when I checked the invitation to find it is tomorrow. >_<

Quote: Will Cam @ May 11 2011, 3:14 PM BST

Will Cam had been invited to a corporate type free dinner today (big boss didn't want to go). Imagine my surprise on turning up at the proposed venue to find no one there. My surprise was further enhanced when I checked the invitation to find it is tomorrow. >_<


Are you just going to wait there then Will?

Quote: Will Cam @ May 11 2011, 3:14 PM BST

Will Cam had been invited to a corporate type free dinner today (big boss didn't want to go). Imagine my surprise on turning up at the proposed venue to find no one there. My surprise was further enhanced when I checked the invitation to find it is tomorrow. >_<

What an utter wanker!! ;)

So your boss got the dates wrong? Or did he want to get you out of the office for some reason? Will you get to go tomorrow then? It'd be a bit suspicious if you can't!

Quote: Will Cam @ May 11 2011, 3:14 PM BST

Will Cam had been invited to a corporate type free dinner today (big boss didn't want to go). Imagine my surprise on turning up at the proposed venue to find no one there. My surprise was further enhanced when I checked the invitation to find it is tomorrow. >_<

I did that for a road race once - I was a week LATE. At least I wasn't dressed as a Rhino. Rolling eyes

Quote: DaButt @ May 11 2011, 2:39 PM BST

If every American dried his white sheets and briefs on a line there would be so much sunlight reflected back into the sky that the planet would enter a new ice age. So stop bitching and get back to slapping your filthy garments on a flat rock on the edge of the Thames.

Actually we're already in an ice age, we're just in an inter-glacial period.

Quote: Marc P @ May 11 2011, 3:20 PM BST

Are you just going to wait there then Will?

No Marc. like any good boss I came back to the office and looked for some f**ker to blame.

Quote: Rob H @ May 11 2011, 3:22 PM BST

What an utter wanker!! ;)

Guilty M'lud

I have earned myself brownie points :D me and Dan have both been full of flu and Dan has woken up extra achey so I DIY'd like a mock and made him a microwavable heat pack. Sewed and everything. I am domestic godess!

Quote: Will Cam @ May 11 2011, 3:14 PM BST

Will Cam had been invited to a corporate type free dinner today (big boss didn't want to go). Imagine my surprise on turning up at the proposed venue to find no one there. My surprise was further enhanced when I checked the invitation to find it is tomorrow. >_<

Sounds like Mrs Will Cam is having some fun whilst Mr Will Cam is at a lunch date in Tristan Da Cunha

Quote: Nat Wicks @ May 11 2011, 4:08 PM BST

I have earned myself brownie points :D me and Dan have both been full of flu and Dan has woken up extra achey so I DIY'd like a mock and made him a microwavable heat pack. Sewed and everything. I am domestic godess!

Console Iv'e had hey-fever bad!
Hope you both feel better soon.

PS how do you make those?..

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