British Comedy Guide

Help with relationship advice Page 23

Quote: KLRiley @ May 8 2011, 9:50 PM BST

Just the one?

For now. Give it time though!

Actually had the most depressing conversation about it this week with someone from work.

Her: Is there a new guy on the scene?
Me: No, why?
Her: You mentioned something on facebook.
Me: Oh right, no I was talking about my new cat.

I think a part of me died.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 9:51 PM BST

... don't play mind games and don't mess you around. And you can take them in a fight.

How many cats have you met? They are the supreme beings when it comes to mind games and messing people around. And fighting? Well, have you got eighteen very sharp claws and a set of needle sharp teeth?

I can see why people get pets instead of learning to deal with human relationships. They can anthropomorphisise animals, kidding themselves that their pets offer them unconditional love and loyalty, when in fact all they're looking for is food and a place to shelter and shit. Pets can't talk back in the way that human beings can, therefore the owners own personality defects and inadequacies need never be challenged or overcome. The fact that some pet owners eventually end-up having sexual relations with their animals is entirely consistent with the far end of this unhealthy relationship spectrum.

Anyway... good luck with the cat! Getting a kitten or a fully grown one? |Golden rule - make sure you get it neutered/spayed sooner rather than later! :)

Quote: KLRiley @ May 8 2011, 9:53 PM BST

Well, have you got eighteen very sharp claws and a set of needle sharp teeth?

Maybe that's one of the reasons I don't have any luck with men?

And cheers, Tim. A fully grown one, otherwise it would just be weird when I start having sex with it.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 9:56 PM BST

And cheers, Tim. A fully grown one, otherwise it would just be weird when I start having sex with it.


Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 9:53 PM BST

For now. Give it time though!

Actually had the most depressing conversation about it this week with someone from work.

Her: Is there a new guy on the scene?
Me: No, why?
Her: You mentioned something on facebook.
Me: Oh right, no I was talking about my new cat.

I think a part of me died.


Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 9:51 PM BST

They don't hog the remote, they don't argue, don't play mind games and don't mess you around. And you can take them in a fight.

On the other hand a man is not going to shit in your dahlia bed or leave dead voles on your doormat; or wake you up in the morning by rubbing his bumhole in your face...

Okay not all men...

Quote: Timbo @ May 8 2011, 10:10 PM BST

On the other hand a man is not going to shit in your dahlia bed or leave dead voles on your doormat; or wake you up in the morning by rubbing his bumhole in your face...

Okay not all men...

Cats are simpler though. I've been single for 2 and a half years now, and men are either not interested or stalky psychopaths. Current stalky bloke has sent me 6 text messages today, none of which I've replied to, including pictures of him half naked that I'm sure he's hoping will turn me on, but actually make me want to feed him.

I'm not getting a cat because I've given up, it's purely coincidental!

Feed him what? Arsenic?

Quote: keewik @ May 8 2011, 10:22 PM BST

Feed him what? Arsenic?

That wasn't my main thought.

It is now.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 10:19 PM BST

Cats are simpler though. I've been single for 2 and a half years now, and men are either not interested or stalky psychopaths. Current stalky bloke has sent me 6 text messages today, none of which I've replied to, including pictures of him half naked that I'm sure he's hoping will turn me on, but actually make me want to feed him.

I'm not getting a cat because I've given up, it's purely coincidental!

I thought Ben had given all that up.

Quote: Timbo @ May 8 2011, 10:10 PM BST

On the other hand a man is not going to shit in your dahlia bed or leave dead voles on your doormat; or wake you up in the morning by rubbing his bumhole in your face...

Remind me not to pick up any of your exes, Timbo, yes, looks like they have issues, to put it mildly! Don't mind the third issue though, in retrospect.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 9:56 PM BST

And cheers, Tim. A fully grown one, otherwise it would just be weird when I start having sex with it.

Laughing out loud

Quote: sootyj @ May 8 2011, 5:56 PM BST

Tim's a male chauvinist pig.


I'll get my knitting. Don't start without me.

Quote: JoLaw @ May 8 2011, 9:45 PM BST

I've had some insight about relationships recently.

I used to believe that all men were total bastards. Then I learned that I wasn't really being fair. All women are total bastards too.

It's not all doom and gloom though, I'm getting a cat next week.

:) You won't regret! yes I agree that remark is total equality!

Please keep me informed aboot Kitty please!

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