British Comedy Guide

A Matter of Principle Audiobook Page 9

Intriguing project, best of luck with it. Any way of getting your work 'out there' is cool.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ May 5 2011, 1:00 PM BST

Intriguing project, best of luck with it. Any way of getting your work 'out there' is cool.

:) Thank you Michael I agree.

Quote: James Cotter @ May 2 2011, 10:25 AM BST

I've got a production company interested already.

Thanks for eventually getting back to me, James. I like the way your projects always have production companies/producers/BAFTA interested in them.

Quote: Ben @ May 6 2011, 9:33 PM BST

Thanks for eventually getting back to me, James. I like the way your projects always have production companies/producers/BAFTA interested in them.

Don't be so cynical all the time Ben. You know it's not hard for a production company to be interested in a project I never said they were commissioning it did I?

Quote: James Cotter @ August 12 2010, 3:31 PM BST

I felt it needed more of a LOTR feel



Clive, wearing no pants and his usual well-worn coat of Elven chain mail (which wasn't a bin liner covered in ring pulls), is sitting on a tree stump in a partially forested clearing. An icy frost is underfoot and cold needles are in the air biting the skin, keeping him aware that the Dark Lord has risen and his agents are about the land. He's clearly been sat there for a while as his body seems almost adjusted to the milieu. The early morning is usually Clive's favourite time of the day as he has plenty of time to think about his past adventures when he helped slay the great dragon Abarzanaf and took the virginity of the Gnome Princess. This morning, though, thoughts about yesterdays events intrude and the expression on his face is every bit as sharp as the enchancted vorpal sword that rests in his hand. He looks around him and tries to conjure up happier memories when the Elves, the Hobbits and the doughty dwarves were all allies.

"I remember coming through here as a boy. Holding up the head of vanquished foe." He said aloud, the memory animating, a wistful smile transforming his face. "Used to love the battle. The savagery, the open air, the blood. Quiet as well. I suppose looking back on it I was quite an..." Clive struggles to find the right word but eventually plucks one out from obscurity "Heroic warrior. Me mam looked after me well enough, you know. Me dad..." Again he seemed to search for the words "He was a viking death warrior of the skull tribe, you know. I was happy enough but I was always at, at me happiest when I were at the battlefields. Even then I thought wouldn't it be great just to spend all your time here. With the orcs. They consider them vermin some people. You know, the goblins and the Balrogs. But I don't see them like that. That's the problem nowadays. If it doesn't fit in with their plans, they're just got rid of I blame the malign power of the ring." He said bitterly, not really thinking about the traiterous Hobbits "Well, I like the old ways. A slash of well tempered steel. It's... nice. That's it. Nice." He said letting the surroundings calm him once more. "They are vermin anyway. It's nice to see, you know a goblin breathing his last and a Hobbit pleadng for his life. I remember I used to slay just over there." He points to a sparse bit of undergrowth "there's a mass grave in behind, you can't really see it from here but... It was a sort of hide-away. I used to go down there, not many people knew where it was lived to tell the tale. All the other Hobbits were in the playground. Well, dark magic, human sacrifice? No thank you! I'd rather go on the green. What's the point of coming to a park if you're not going to go on the greenery? I was over there the other day. Had a little sit down, you know. A little think, it's nice to do that every now and again." he said wistfully preoccupied as he pondered into the middle distance aware of his own mortality and his insistence to take lives in a manner of his own choosing. "Looking through the ancient scrolls, seeing about this credit crunch that's come in. They're saying they might need to make cut backs in certain areas. They're saying about warrior knights, kings council and the like. Some of them might not be needed. Aye! What a load of rubbish. I've butchered worse. Dark Lords come and go like Demon Kings. It won't mean our shire of course." Said Clive sounding more confident than his troubled expression would suggest. "It will be those magicians or pcourt jesters in hats with bells on will that will the be first to go. They'll be fools to cut back down here. People like coming through this park. Saw a Hobbit the other day. Come though with his mam. Looked happy as Larry. It still brings a smile to my face when I got him with a crossbow. If it doesn't... what is it they say ... If it ain't living don't reincarnate it (Clive hated Zombies most of all). That's it. That's my motto. Well, things are changing now." Clive suddenly sits up, straightens himself out and bellows in Churchillian manner. "Not here though, not in this park. We shall never surrender." And at that moment the orangey glow of the sun, sailing clear of the cold white clouds overhead bathed the clearing, dappling the rimed ground with flecks of golden light as it filtered through the branches of the surrounding trees. Clive smiled and took it as a sign from above. "See that? That nice! You Godless unlving tree zombies!" he said. "The suns coming though the trees there. You could pay for that view with your life if you're a Hobbit. Beautiful!" He takes another look and begins to squint as he see's the sun gleaming through the autumn leaves, glimmering as it goes across the stagnated pond. Clive smiles gleefully but a slight crack appears in that once happy smile like an emperor looking out on his empire on the eve of battle knowing full well the outcome. The evil lord of the parks dept would have his day. What ever the rumours were of butchered school kids, Clive knew what they really were...malignant hobbits! Clive's voice cracks slightly when he utters his last goodbye to his safe haven that will now be open for all to plunder and pillage his hard work and dedication lost under a mire of sickly greed and pestilence, he glanced once more at the pile of eviserated Hobbit parts "absolutely beautiful."

Quote: James Cotter @ May 7 2011, 10:09 AM BST

Don't be so cynical all the time Ben.

What a cynical thing to say, James. I support all members of the BCG's efforts.

Quote: danbo1984 @ June 1 2011, 10:14 AM BST

So do I. Apart from "A Matter of Principle".

I am, I suppose, the anti-cottytotty1: I joined this forum with a pretend name, specifically to express my DISlike of James Cotter.

He is BCG's very own Second Lieutenant Steven Hauk (Good Morning Vietnam); "I know in my heart of hearts that I AM funny"; if he spent 5% of the time he wastes on spreading his feeble am-dram witterings across the web, on actually learning to read/speak/write properly (prior to learning to act), he'd be the next {insert good actor what you like here}

What a rotter, hands off Cotter :O

Quote: danbo1984 @ June 1 2011, 10:14 AM BST

So do I. Apart from "A Matter of Principle".

I am, I suppose, the anti-cottytotty1: I joined this forum with a pretend name, specifically to express my DISlike of James Cotter.

He is BCG's very own Second Lieutenant Steven Hauk (Good Morning Vietnam); "I know in my heart of hearts that I AM funny"; if he spent 5% of the time he wastes on spreading his feeble am-dram witterings across the web, on actually learning to read/speak/write properly (prior to learning to act), he'd be the next {insert good actor what you like here}

Is that you James??

Quote: danbo1984 @ June 1 2011, 10:14 AM BST

So do I. Apart from "A Matter of Principle".

I am, I suppose, the anti-cottytotty1: I joined this forum with a pretend name, specifically to express my DISlike of James Cotter.

He is BCG's very own Second Lieutenant Steven Hauk (Good Morning Vietnam); "I know in my heart of hearts that I AM funny"; if he spent 5% of the time he wastes on spreading his feeble am-dram witterings across the web, on actually learning to read/speak/write properly (prior to learning to act), he'd be the next {insert good actor what you like here}

Good to have you here, Dan. Did you hear that Cotter called me cynical, Dan? Can you believe it, Dan?

Is that Dan Pearce? Has there been a rift? :(

Quote: Ben @ June 1 2011, 11:58 PM BST

Good to have you here, Dan. Did you hear that Cotter called me cynical, Dan? Can you believe it, Dan?

I, for one, was shocked by such a baseless accusation and blackening of your good name Ben.

Quote: danbo1984 @ June 1 2011, 10:14 AM BST

So do I. Apart from "A Matter of Principle".

I am, I suppose, the anti-cottytotty1: I joined this forum with a pretend name, specifically to express my DISlike of James Cotter.

He is BCG's very own Second Lieutenant Steven Hauk (Good Morning Vietnam); "I know in my heart of hearts that I AM funny"; if he spent 5% of the time he wastes on spreading his feeble am-dram witterings across the web, on actually learning to read/speak/write properly (prior to learning to act), he'd be the next {insert good actor what you like here}

This seems a bit excessive.

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