I think if Obama is serious about the next election he should release footage of him slapping Osama's severed head with his severed cock.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 367

Complete Fox-up as usual!
Is that for real?
Yes, and it's actually worse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMP7Ys57ha4&feature=player_embedded
There have been some quotes from the local residents in Abbotttabad about Osama. Gerald from the housing association commented
'It's a shame about that nice Mr Bin Laden. Great neighbour, kept himself to himself a bit but always ready to help with the odd cup of sugar. He was a keen member of the local bowls club and had a great backhand draw'.
Aparently the search took 8 years as they were looking for all the violent, uncivilised terrorist hellholes in the world.
And Wales is quite a big place.
Quote: Nil Putters @ May 2 2011, 10:12 AM BSTYes, and it's actually worse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMP7Ys57ha4&feature=player_embedded
I'm paranoid enough to believe that isn't a mistake.
Subliminal propaganda more like.
nb how pissed is DaButt right now?
I can picture his whole block drinking keg after keg and firing into the sky.
'Crowds gathered outside the White House in Washington DC, chanting "USA, USA" after the news emerged.'
Compare and contrast with news reports we've seen over the years of crowds of "foreigners" allegedly chanting "Death to America" etc...
Very convenient that they got bin Laden in time for the 10th anniversary of 9/11? No-one I suspect will much miss the guy, but his role (if he indeed had much of a role) in the September 11th 2001 attacks was over-stated from the outset. The West portrayed him as some evil genius, made him a figurehead, a hero and an inspiration in the eyes of our enemies and now have created a martyr.
One dead guy with a beard isn't going to make anything better.
And how many thousands of completely innocent people (of all nationalities, colours and creeds) have died as a result of the US's 10 long year quest for "closure"?
In other news, a few days ago I tracked down posh nanny-murderer Lord Lucan. I discovered him holed-up in a cow shed just outside Tewkesbury. I dispatched him swiftly by pelting him with crockery and repeatedly pushing him down a flight of stairs I had built and brought with me. There's no body, I'm afraid, as I immediately gave him a funeral in accordance with aristocratic tradition - I blasted the corpse out of a military cannon before feeding the bits to some hunting hounds...
...but you'll take my word for it, won't you?
I don't know about you, but I was desperate to get Lily Allen and Rob Lowe's reaction to Bin Laden's death.
Thank the Lord for Digital Spy!
Quote: Tim Walker @ May 2 2011, 12:09 PM BSTIn other news, a few days ago I tracked down posh nanny-murderer Lord Lucan. I discovered him holed-up in a cow shed just outside Tewkesbury. I dispatched him swiftly by repeatedly pushing him down a flight of stairs I had brought with me. There's no body, I'm afraid, as I immediately gave him a funeral in accordance with aristocratic tradition - I blasted the corpse out of a military cannon before feeding the bits to some hunting hounds...
...but you'll take my word for it, won't you?
You big party pooper. Just like Sadam some one will release a photo of his bullet riddled corpse soon enough.
*gets kleenex and vaseline ready*
Anyway he may not have been the key player in AQ and certainly not in recent years. But like our Queen he was a vital figure head and cheerleader.
His death brings the end of khalifate that bit closer and makes the world a little safer for the proper rulers; The Zionist Occupational Government (and the Catholic Church, not the Protestants they can go f**k a goat).
Quote: KLRiley @ May 2 2011, 8:22 AM BSTPretty much killed off the 2012 election campaign too. Is Obama American enough now?
Not even close. George H. W. Bush was riding a crest of enormous popularity after the Gulf War in 1991 and was soundly defeated the following year. The 2012 election won't be about birth certificates, dead terrorists or wars in Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya, it'll be about the economy and government spending. The party which makes the most convincing promise to cut spending will be victorious.
Thank God the Republicans are still looking to be lead by a comedy pornstar and possibly a man who advertises weetabix on his head.
Quote: chipolata @ May 2 2011, 9:05 AM BSTHats off to Obama who did what Bush failed to do. It looks like he was right to focus resources on Pakistan.
Obama didn't have any more to do with it than did Bush. The nation's intelligence community and armed forces deserve 100% of the credit.
Bonus points if you can prove that Obama did anything that Bush didn't do during his time in office. Mega bonus points if you can prove that it was done without the benefit from any of the activities that Bush was reviled for: Guantanamo inmates, "enhanced" interrogations, phone taps, CIA spooks, military death squads, etc.
Quote: sootyj @ May 2 2011, 10:05 AM BSTIs that for real?
The link doesn't work for me but if it's a photo of Osama's body it's a poor fake that's been around for years. The government will eventually release the real deal but I think it was a big mistake to dump his body at sea so quickly. It panders to Muslims at the expense of conspiracy rumors.
Quote: DaButt @ May 2 2011, 1:27 PM BSTObama didn't have any more to do with it than did Bush. The nation's intelligence community and armed forces deserve 100% of the credit.
Bonus points if you can prove that Obama did anything that Bush didn't do during his time in office.
July 2006:
"The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday."
May 2011:
Obama: "shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against Al-Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network."