British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 129

I take that back, Emma Bovary is more of a Peaches Geldof type of heroine...

My main memory of it is the scene in the coach!

I've just got past the ball. Emma seems like a bit of a bitch still.

Am reading...

About a year after everybody else read it.

I bought that recently but haven't read it yet - keep thinking I'll need to feel in a strong frame of mind. Do I?

I've only read a bit so far, and no strong stomachs needed. But who knows what lies ahead!

I think it's supposed to be quite positive overall though. It's not one of those uber depressing ones.

I'm currently reading zooo's diary. Most enlightening.

What was your favourite bit?

When Aaron discovered you hiding in the attic.

Quote: zooo @ April 28 2011, 10:00 PM BST

What was your favourite bit?

The bit where you asked me what my favourite bit was. Much more interactive than reading the average autobiography.


I got a book from the library about the AIDS epidemic today. I'm looking forward to it. The book that is. Not the weakening of my immune system. It's bad enough when I get a sweat rash.

:) 'Suite Francaise' by Irene Nemirovsky.
Brilliant tale of french evacuees in war, all types of people very interesting stories, quite sad though...

Quote: dellas @ May 1 2011, 10:25 AM BST

:) 'Suite Francaise' by Irene Nemirovsky.
Brilliant tale of french evacuees in war, all types of people very interesting stories, quite sad though...

Read that and thoroughly enjoyed it if 'enjoyed' is the right word.

Finally catching up on everyone else and reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... about a third of the way through now.

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