Wednesday 27th April 2011 1:17pm
2,311 posts
I had a similar problem about a few years back. I was, err, feeling down there and felt a loose pea-like thing in my ballbag. It was not connected to the testicles. I agonised over it, but I eventually went to the docs. He felt around a bit and said 'I can't find it'- so I had to squeeze my bowlocks in front of him in such a manner that it appeared. He felt it for a while and said it was 'just' a cyst and as it was not attached to the plums it was harmless. I could have it removed, but it is not worth the hassle, apparently.
During the time I was convinced I was going to die I had bizarrely struck up a friendship with Cameron Stout from Big Brother 4! I told him and he said 'oh aye, I've had exactly the same thing. It is nothing to worry about, but get it checked out'.
So, the 38 year old virgin from Big Brother saved my life.