British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 658

Leave them to it Griff. They'll probably still be arguing about it once this series has concluded.

Play nice boys.

Quote: Griff @ April 25 2011, 10:34 PM BST

A cup of tea? You just need



Quote: Marc P @ April 25 2011, 10:35 PM BST

What in the last episode when we know he is dead and he comes gurning into the room as the fourth invitee? Huh? Huh? Did he know as much as we did then did he? Did he?

I thought we were talking about the River relationship??

Obviously, it would seem this younger Doctor knows less than the older Doctor who we saw 'die' about the current story. What's wrong with that?

Quote: KLRiley @ April 25 2011, 10:36 PM BST

Leave them to it Griff. They'll probably still be arguing about it once this series has concluded.

Play nice boys.

No one is arguing, we're just having a discussion, it happens.

Fair point I'm off to bed. My head is spinning. Spinning so it is. And not with Bush Baby Juice! :)

Was just looking on scifi forums and interestingly the worst Who series ever would appear to be

"Delta and the Bannerman"

From the McCoy era. Oddly I remember enjoying it.

There's definitely worse, but it is a bit cack.

This may be the one and only time I say this is in the Dr Who thread but on the Doctor and River Matthew is wholly and incontrovertibly right.

It's got fuppin' Ken Dodd in it bleurgh!

Is this where we come to make jokes about "the explosion of Joy" at the return of Doctor Who...?

I must admit I'm surprised anybody found the latest episode confusing. Sure, if you've never watched it before. But if you've been following the series for the last few years, or have a basic grasp of sci-fi time travel tropes, it didn't seem to me like there was anything too difficult in there.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ April 25 2011, 11:46 PM BST

But if you've been following the series for the last few years, or have a basic grasp of sci-fi time travel tropes, it didn't seem to me like there was anything too difficult in there.

Yes, I think Moffat has assumed that since the paradoxes created by time travel have featured in fiction for so many decades now, he can push the boat out and take it further. Also, in this post-Lost world, he assumes the audience can enjoy a lot of weird mysteries, even if it seems unlikely that it ill all ever be explained.

To me, Moffats' more convoluted work is like a precariously tall house of cards. If you take a quick look at it, it's breathtaking, but if you examine it too closely to see how it stands up, you'll risk destroying it all.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ April 25 2011, 11:46 PM BST

I must admit I'm surprised anybody found the latest episode confusing. Sure, if you've never watched it before. But if you've been following the series for the last few years, or have a basic grasp of sci-fi time travel tropes, it didn't seem to me like there was anything too difficult in there.

I don't think the first episode was confusing, but I do think there were hints at the kind of mess Moffat might get himself into. In the same way he made a pigs ear out of the end of series 5, where nothing made sense and nothing was resolved satisfactorly.

Quote: Nogget @ April 26 2011, 5:49 AM BST

Yes, I think Moffat has assumed that since the paradoxes created by time travel have featured in fiction for so many decades now, he can push the boat out and take it further. Also, in this post-Lost world, he assumes the audience can enjoy a lot of weird mysteries, even if it seems unlikely that it ill all ever be explained. To me, Moffats' more convoluted work is like a precariously tall house of cards. If you take a quick look at it, it's breathtaking, but if you examine it too closely to see how it stands up, you'll risk destroying it all.


Impossible Astronaut - Impossibly average? Entertaining enough, but a bit OTT, as usual. I preferred the understated opener from last season, but there we are, horses for courses.

Also, the Liz Sladen tribute afterwards illuminated quite how dull the current companions are. Not entirely sure what the Rory character contributes. And Gillan just isn't a terribly good or interesting actress.

I must confess, when he started regenerating I was half hoping he might go back to David Tennant. The whole Matt Smith spiel is getting a little dull. I've decided he's just too young. I have.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 26 2011, 9:02 AM BST

Not entirely sure what the Rory character contributes.

Much of the time, he's the butt of the joke; the straight man, an important job which he does well.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 26 2011, 9:02 AM BST

Gillan just isn't a terribly good or interesting actress.

Agreed. She's there for her looks.

The ratings were down on last years opener. They blamed the sunshine but New Who has always gone out in the sunshine.

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