British Comedy Guide

John Sullivan's work.

The loss of a great writer.

What do you personally think, gave John Sullivan's work the depth it undoubtably has?

Same as most great comedy writers - an ability to create really strong, credible, identifiable characters and put them in well-written, funny situations. Also the ability to write characters for which the audience feels warmth and sympathy, no matter how badly they might sometimes behave. Finally, the ability to flesh out these characters over time, so the audience feels they have been there with them on some kind of journey.

The man is a legend, and a real inspiration to anyone serious about writing comedy, just watch his work, notably OFAH, probably the best ever sitcom on TV

He'll be truly missed, and so young still

Rest in peace John


I think one of the most telling things about the quality of John Sullivan's writing is that if you want to understand how Britain changed in the 80s and early 90s then you are far better off watching back-to-back OFAH than any documentary about Thatcherism.

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