British Comedy Guide

The News getting upset about that gagging order Page 4

It would be unfair if she wasn't already known for that sort of thing. As it is, she's probably happy to be in the papers, she'll probably be getting her tits out again soon.

Doesn't matter what she's famous for, it's still unfair. Although I don't feel remotely sorry for her of course, considering what she's done!

Quote: zooo @ April 21 2011, 8:37 PM BST

The footballer and the BB girl situation is somewhat unfair, as the papers were allowed to name her as a husband stealing harlot, but not the footballer as a cheating bastard.
So she looks bad but he doesn't.

Well he does now as people are starting to find out who he is. But still.

Who is the footballer? Is it an anagram of ejoloce or narysgggi? They were the most common names in the twitter-footballer-whodunnit that I could see.

Of course, ultimately there would be no need for super-injunctions to stop celebrities having their dirty little personal secrets aired in the tabloids, if the Great British Public didn't have such an unhealthy, juvenile and pompous interest in reading salacious gossip about the tawdry private failings of people they don't even know.

Quite so.

I've been up to nothing (chance would be a fine thing!) but why should our free press be banned on their investigative reporting on the grounds that the wrongdoer, having been caught in the act, doesn't want us to know about it?

I am fully in favour of a free press. I would like the rules rewritten though.

The "injured party", if the media's allegations turn out to be wrong, should be paid their full legal expenses (which they aren't now) as well as handsome compensation. That way the press would have to be certain about what they print, whereas now some of them know that the injured party might not be able to afford to take them to court even if they are innocent.

Also, any apology should be on the same page and in the same size column as that that carried the original story. If someone wants to make an accusation that takes up all of page one, then the apology should too!

Quote: Corey O'Graffor @ April 21 2011, 8:44 PM BST


Might be...

Quote: Clint75 @ April 21 2011, 8:56 PM BST

Also, any apology should be on the same page and in the same size column as that that carried the original story. If someone wants to make an accusation that takes up all of page one, then the apology should too!

I do agree.

Not Gary Snigg.
But he's my hero.

PS I'm not buying a Newspaper that has the Headline
"Sorry about that!"

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ April 21 2011, 9:08 PM BST

PS I'm not buying a Newspaper that has the Headline
"Sorry about that!"

Okay, maybe not front page, but inside somewhere.

I knew Gary Snigg was a bad arse, serves him right, I say.

I think fewer and fewer people really care what the likes of Snigg and others get up to, it's almost like they are characters playing out their roles in a soap opera, it doesn't seem a big deal, or shocking any more, it's just what happens now, it seems to me.

Remember the Viz apology after they featured 'Thieving Gypsy Bastards'?

It was in quite a large box with a dotted border round it and the heading 'Thieving Gypsy Bastards ! Your very own cut out and keep apology !'.

I really don't care about 'celebrities' getting injuctions to cover their awful behaviour.

I care about the poor sods who get accused of a serious crime- i.e. rape- who have their names and life history spread across the papers and detailed everywhere, yet the accuser is protected. Of course, the alleged victim should have anonymity, but surely the bloke who is accused of these dreadful acts is also entitled to be protected- at least until guilt is proven? If he is found innocent.....well, he'll always be linked to the words 'rape' and 'pervert' etc.

Give anonymity to the victims of sexual crimes, but also to those accused of them.

Quote: chipolata @ April 21 2011, 5:14 PM BST

It's Paddy McGuinnes.


"Who's that the fonz?"

Quote: TopBanana @ April 22 2011, 3:17 PM BST

I really don't care about 'celebrities' getting injuctions to cover their awful behaviour.

I care about the poor sods who get accused of a serious crime- i.e. rape- who have their names and life history spread across the papers and detailed everywhere, yet the accuser is protected. Of course, the alleged victim should have anonymity, but surely the bloke who is accused of these dreadful acts is also entitled to be protected- at least until guilt is proven? If he is found innocent.....well, he'll always be linked to the words 'rape' and 'pervert' etc.

Give anonymity to the victims of sexual crimes, but also to those accused of them.

Yeah, slightly off topic, but the rape laws etc need a complete overhaul from what I've seen and heard. They seem to have managed to make them sexist towards both men and women, which is quite an achievement.

And that bloke who is now suing newspapers after the murder of that girl.

Can't remember the details but they made him out as a cert because he was a little 'odd'.

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