British Comedy Guide

The News getting upset about that gagging order Page 3

Quote: TopBanana @ April 21 2011, 5:15 PM BST

Nope. Think ex-model. Of course, this is just a rumour I was told by my mate Spud.


I'm not having my ass mauled by him!

Quote: TopBanana @ April 21 2011, 5:19 PM BST

I'm not having my ass mauled by him!

Pff! No wonder women don't see you as boyfriend material. You lack spunk!

Women???? Haha.

His name is ******/***.

Asterix the Gaul!

Oh you mean Vernon Kay. :)

The person I've heard it is is totally different.

Spud is usually spot on with his celebrity gossip.

These gagging orders are the thin end of the wedge!

If people are allowed to keep using these then it will soon get extended to those who want to keep their corruption out of the press.

If the celebrity was that bothered about the bullying his kids might face, didn't he think about that before he went "balls deep"?

If you want to put yourself in the public eye then you can't moan about press intrusion. Most of the people in these positions are earning far more because of their fame than they would hope to expect if they had to do a real job. And yet some of them want the cameras around when they're selling their wares to the likes of us and yet also want the right to tell the press to leave them alone when they aren't wanting us to "buy their shit".

I'm sorry, a free press doesn't work like that!

The rules ought to stay the way they are. Publish and be damned.


Quote: Clint75 @ April 21 2011, 7:00 PM BST

Nail'em up I say! Nail some sense into them!

Quote: Clint75 @ April 21 2011, 7:00 PM BST

These gagging orders are the thin end of the wedge!

If people are allowed to keep using these then it will soon get extended to those who want to keep their corruption out of the press.

Hardly, that's why there's a judge involved. You don't work for the press yourself do you?

If anyone deserves to have their dirty laundry aired in public it's these journalists.

I'm sorry, but no.

It's not the journalists who are using the media to earn vast sums for themselves, or for pretending to be something they aren't. If a "celebrity" is in the public affecton for being a wholesome character, then evidence to the contrary is in the public interest.

And once these people establish a rule that you cannot report their failings because it is a breach of their "yuman rites" then where will it end?

Yes, tabloid journalists are innocent, noble types.

If you are well known, & people are likely to recognise you in the street. then having an affair is very risky. As you are much more likely to be found out.
Also having it splashed all over the papers isn't going to help you patch things up.
But should we be having laws that seem to almost condone adultery.
If you want to cheat then you should face the consequences if you get caught out.

Quote: Clint75 @ April 21 2011, 8:11 PM BST

I'm sorry, but no.

It's not the journalists who are using the media to earn vast sums for themselves, or for pretending to be something they aren't. If a "celebrity" is in the public affecton for being a wholesome character, then evidence to the contrary is in the public interest.

And once these people establish a rule that you cannot report their failings because it is a breach of their "yuman rites" then where will it end?

"Compulsive Liar of the Year" You must be a journalist! Come on, what have you been up to?

The footballer and the BB girl situation is somewhat unfair, as the papers were allowed to name her as a husband stealing harlot, but not the footballer as a cheating bastard.
So she looks bad but he doesn't.

Well he does now as people are starting to find out who he is. But still.

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