British Comedy Guide

The News getting upset about that gagging order Page 2

Yes that was horrific didn't goldacre have a similar run in and alexi sayle

Yes that was horrific didn't goldacre have a similar run in and alexi sayle

Quote: sootyj @ April 21 2011, 12:25 PM BST

Murodch telling us exactly how tight Middleton's minge is.

Now that's put an unfortunate image in my head.

She's a bit old for you Kev :)

Quote: sootyj @ April 21 2011, 1:02 PM BST

Yes that was horrific didn't goldacre have a similar run in and alexi sayle

Upsetting Alexei Sayle can't be too hard do you know what he did wrong?

Ben Goldacre is a ray of light in an industry that promotes mumbo-jumbo ahead of rational analysis.

These gagging orders are correct, IMO. Yeah, I'm a bit curious as to who the stories involved, but it really is just a media story. Like when the Daily Mal starts one of its campaigns- no one really cares, they are just trying to whip up a storm.

But, from what I can gather the 'entertainment personality' is a northern TV/radio presenter.......

I've got a feeling that when Murdoch has finished paying out compensation to the people who are claiming they were phone hacked, all papers will be a lot shyer in chasing celebs. If they get too close to William and Kate, I think we'll see the first secret service shooting of a press photographer, which under the present terrorism laws, they will get away with.

I think 1 less invasive 'snapper' will make the world a better place.

Quote: TopBanana @ April 21 2011, 3:36 PM BST

These gagging orders are correct, IMO. Yeah, I'm a bit curious as to who the stories involved, but it really is just a media story. Like when the Daily Mal starts one of its campaigns- no one really cares, they are just trying to whip up a storm. But, from what I can gather the 'entertainment personality' is a northern TV/radio presenter.......

Terry Christian?

Think more 'low brow'.

I bet it's Craig Charles. He's always up to no good.

Nope. Think more Greater Manchester.

Is he ginger?

Nope. Black hair, but shorter these days.

It's Paddy McGuinnes.


Think ex-model.

Of course, this is just a rumour I was told by my mate Spud.

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