British Comedy Guide

The News getting upset about that gagging order

Are we really supposed to care? They don't get entice the lowest common denominator with their grubby, irrelevent stories that are basically a legalised form of prostitution, boo hoo. We all know a lot of footballers are scum bags, we don't need to individually name them, you can work it out easily enough for yourself.

Rightly or wrongly young people do look up to footballers, and will do almost whatever they've been up to, so they're just glorifying their behaviour more than shaming them. And now young girls are starting to look up to WAG slags, who just are just out for what they can get off rich men, not caring if they're married etc, then when it ends they can just sell their story to the papers and get more money, and try to set themselves up as the next Jordan.

I think most young girls want to be WAG's or glamour models these days, which surely isn't a good thing...

I mean people who aren't famous for being talented, but are in positions of power where their integrity is important, ie politicians and JOURNALISTS, then fair enough if they want to name and shame these people, they may have a case, but I think they're the only people who should be targeted.

Not 'most'. But too many.
Still, one is too many.

Glad to see you two agree with me at least!

I'm sure there's been polls where WAG's and/or glamour modelling have come come out top, certainly they seem to come out too highly anyway.

Didn't I see something today about some entertainment personality not being named, following him waggling it about,in case his children got bullied at school?

Does everyone know who the footballer & Actor are?
It must have gone around Twitter a bit by now surely

If footballers were paid a realsitic wage instead of the obscene amounts thrown at them it might stop people targeting them in honey traps.

I wish the media would just ignore these stories, I don't care if any footballer has been playing away from home, they are just a bunch of blokes kicking a football around a park, not role models.

I don't know, nor particularly care! I mean the Rooney prostitute stuff was pretty funny, but if they really want to rake the gutter, then can just tell us what a footballer or actor's been up to, rather than naming names, so wehave some idea what these people get up to!

Quote: AngieBaby @ April 20 2011, 9:34 PM BST

If footballers were paid a realsitic wage instead of the obscene amounts thrown at them it might stop people targeting them in honey traps.

I wish the media would just ignore these stories, I don't care if any footballer has been playing away from home, they are just a bunch of blokes kicking a football around a park, not role models.

What ddo you think would be realistic wages? I mean arguably they are realistic, supply and demand, certainly in a capitalist society.

Quote: Vader @ April 20 2011, 9:21 PM BST

I'm sure there's been polls where WAG's and/or glamour modelling have come come out top, certainly they seem to come out too highly anyway.

I expect so, but you know how meaningless most polls are. They can find any poll result to prove anything, if they want to.

True, most just want to be single mums and get a council flat! It seems to be backed up by my mates in teaching, and who worked for Connexions though.

Quote: Vader @ April 20 2011, 9:46 PM BST

True, most just want to be single mums and get a council flat! It seems to be backed up by my mates in teaching, and who worked for Connexions though.

Rolling eyes

Are you rolling your eyes at a particular bit, or all of it?

Quote: Vader @ April 20 2011, 9:38 PM BST

What ddo you think would be realistic wages? I mean arguably they are realistic, supply and demand, certainly in a capitalist society.

Good point, they are controversial, hated by many, but are a direct result of our insane love for the game. We stop turning up to see football matches and switch over when they're on telly and their wages will drop.

Quote: Griff @ April 20 2011, 9:13 PM BST

I love watching the press get into a fury about gagging orders. It's like a toddler having its toys taken away. "But - but - we need to expose this person for the public good!" they splutter, as if any thought of selling extra papers off the back of ruining someone's life never entered their horrible minds.

And to see organisations like News International suddenly become guardians of human rights and civil liberties is beyond satire. Also these papers love to go running off to EU law courts in Luxembourg or the ECHR in Strasbourg when it suits them. Or as these places are known to thick dicks on tabloids; 'Brussels.'

Bit worried about where privacy gagging orders are going but so far they haven't stopped grown-ups from pursuing real stories about corruption and wrong doing in high places.

Quote: youngian @ April 21 2011, 12:01 PM BST

And to see organisations like News International suddenly become guardians of human rights and civil liberties is beyond satire. Also these papers love to go running off to EU law courts in Luxembourg or the ECHR in Strasbourg when it suits them. Or as these places are known to thick dicks on tabloids; 'Brussels.'

Bit worried about where privacy gagging orders are going but so far they haven't stopped grown-ups from pursuing real stories about corruption and wrong doing in high places.

Well I'm with Larry Flint.

If the law protects some one like me, it'll protect some one like you.

The MP's expenses fury, corporate manslaughter legislation etc are protected by the same law that stops Murodch telling us exactly how tight Middleton's minge is.

If News National are going to spend millions setting a good legal precedent. Then hurrah they can finally do some good however ridiculous it may look.

The current system where the rich and the government can blockade whatever the hell they like. But the rest of us proles can't even take it to court (a convenient legal ruse that you can be sued for taking a case to court you couldn't afford to pay the legal fees for).

Would shame a feudal state.

Quote: sootyj @ April 21 2011, 12:25 PM BST

Well I'm with Larry Flint.

If the law protects some one like me, it'll protect some one like you.

The MP's expenses fury, corporate manslaughter legislation etc are protected by the same law that stops Murodch telling us exactly how tight Middleton's minge is.

There's no shortage of MP expenses stories which are not covered by the right to privacy, nor is corporate manslaughter. But I do share your unease as these laws will probably be stretched, as is libel, to protect people who don't deserve it.

Good to see Simon Singh won the day with his libel appeal-

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