British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 127

I'm reading Treasure Islands "Tax Havens and the Men who stole the World" by Nicholas Shaxson

International finance may not sound like the most riveting read but this is exciting, well researched and timely guide for anyone with the remotest interest in how this increasingly corrupt and ugly world works.

I'm looking through a second hand copy of this I found:


I just read the opening chapters of HOLES and remembered seeing the film and enjoyed it immensely.

My youngest is reading Goodnight Moon to me. A very proud Mom moment for me.

I'm nearly finished 'The Long Song' by Andrea Levy and have finally decided I don't like ANY of the characters. At first I was on the side of the slaves but some of them seem bastards too. Have a sneaky feeling I felt that way about her characters in 'Small Island'.

It's good to make some of the good guys unlikeable, and some of the baddies likeable, but it sounds like she's gone a bit wrong and made them all unlikeable.

Just finished 'The Fry Chronicles' on the Kindle and what great read it was too.

Quote: Marc P @ April 20 2011, 1:39 PM BST

I just read the opening chapters of HOLES and remembered seeing the film and enjoyed it immensely.

I loved that book it's got it's own mad cowboy style

(even if sounds like a book about prostitutes)

Quote: Marc P @ April 20 2011, 1:39 PM BST

I just read the opening chapters of HOLES and remembered seeing the film and enjoyed it immensely.

I loved that book it's got it's own mad cowboy style

(even if sounds like a book about prostitutes)

Quote: Marc P @ April 20 2011, 1:39 PM BST

I just read the opening chapters of HOLES and remembered seeing the film and enjoyed it immensely.

I loved that book it's got it's own mad cowboy style

(even if sounds like a book about prostitutes)

Quote: keewik @ April 20 2011, 4:05 PM BST

I'm nearly finished 'The Long Song' by Andrea Levy and have finally decided I don't like ANY of the characters. At first I was on the side of the slaves but some of them seem bastards too. Have a sneaky feeling I felt that way about her characters in 'Small Island'.

:( Really? I loved small Island! was going to read 'The Long Song', can you elaborate a bit?, Ta!

The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, about a man who dies and then gets his life explained to him by some people in heaven. I look forward to dying and having my membership of the BCG explained to me.

Quote: chipolata @ April 21 2011, 9:20 AM BST

I look forward to dying and having my membership of the BCG explained to me.

Please let us know afterwards.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 21 2011, 9:21 AM BST

Please let us know afterwards.

Us? You'll pre-desease me, Lucas. I can hear your wet raspy death rattle from here.

Quote: chipolata @ April 21 2011, 9:24 AM BST

Us? You'll pre-desease me, Lucas. I can hear your wet raspy death rattle from here.

I'm so gonna haunt your arse.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 21 2011, 9:27 AM BST

I'm so gonna haunt your arse.

*eats beans in preparation*

Quote: dellas @ April 21 2011, 2:37 AM BST

:( Really? I loved small Island! was going to read 'The Long Song', can you elaborate a bit?, Ta!

Yes, I loved 'Small Island' too. I think 'The Long Song' IS worth a read. Because of the way slaves were treated and because one of them is the central character, I probably expected always to like her, whereas sometimes you think she can be a bit nasty too. But definitely worth a read. I see from the book cover that she's written a couple more books but I haven't read them.

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