British Comedy Guide


I am oh so fond of emoticons. They communicate so much better than words. The depth of expression is powerful. Above all you can never doubt the sincerity of an emoticon.

Quote: Albert Gleegle @ March 1 2011, 10:27 PM GMT

I am oh so fond of emoticons. They communicate so much better than words. The depth of expression is powerful. Above all you can never doubt the sincerity of an emoticon.


Right. Well. Thanks for that...

You see. Case in point. If there were a sarcasm emoticon available I think I would have been better understood.

Bit tricky to portray sarcasm in a first post...welcome...and for the record I hate the bleedin things ;)

Thanks for the welcome. I have 3 videos posted on the Showcase forum. They were made to promote a book, "The Ungettable Joke". Check 'em out if you like.

Emoticons are the excrement of illiterate arseholes.

Other than that they are ok.

Oh and hi!

WHat thread had the emoticons by Random
They were great


:) Strange found this as I would like more 'emoticons', the old thread was SO funny thanks Nil Lol! , more now please.

I like 'em, but not the massive ones you see on some forums which make the page take 2 hours to load.


Quote: Baumski @ April 20 2011, 5:23 PM BST



Laughing out loud Come on, have you not archived old stuff? brilliant. We need more but Aaron said I have to detail them.

Do any of you clever guys know how?...

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