Father and Son sit on the water edge fishing, an empty net by their side.
Don't worry boy they'll bite.
4 hours later...
They sit there still, heads down, jiggling their rods in the water.
God this is boring...But! I might just have something that'll do the trick.
He removes his float from the line and opens his float box.
What is it Dad?
Shot of Death Star pulls back to revel it's tiny, dangling on the end of the dad's line, a few feet about the water.
Admiral Ackbar lunges out of the depths.
It's a trap!!!
Father smashes Ackbar across the head with a frying pan and he floats there, unconscious.
Camera flash, and polaroid of the smiling father and son holding a trophy. Ackbar is strung up by his feet. It's a Father Son fishing competition
Ta for edit Putters!