Sunday 10th April 2011 6:14pm
1,727 posts
Quote: Godot Taxis @ April 9 2011, 3:32 AM BST
The problem with the voting system in the UK is not the method that the votes are cast under but more the presence of a third party which splits the left/liberal vote and allows in the Tory party, which is not so much a political party as a pressure group for the rich.
Although it is a shithole jammed with c**ts, the U.K. is not a conservative country naturally - not in the Cameron sense of conservative anyway.
Instead of voting for an electoral change we should be organising the seppuku of the smaller third party.
Regarding the proposed AV change the logical thing to do is vote YES as it will make it harder for the Tories to get elected, but AV is fundamentally undemocratic and even idiotic. Nobody should be forced to give support (no matter how small) to parties that they do not believe in.
The change should be for a single transferable vote, along with compulsory voting and some training for people in political and democratic theory.
STV also maintains a constituency system and gives votes an equal weighting.
Noticed in Holland under their PR system they have D66 a left of centre liberal party (like the pre Clegg Lib Dems ) which sides with Labour and the PVV which is a more free market liberal party and sides with the Cristian Democrats. You know where you stand unike the Lib Dems these days with their opportunisitic dishonesty about who they are and what they beleive in.