British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 358


(never has an emoticon been more apt)

That poor girl! Horrible. I shall never yawn again.

Laughing out loud I watched it on bizzare er, a mug for all things hospital, even gore and surgery anyone else??

I hate anything surgical, but I am always tempted to watch those '50 most bizarre accidents' type programmes.

Quote: zooo @ April 9 2011, 12:11 AM BST

I shall never yawn again.

The BCG probably isn't the best place for you, then.

At least she got to eat 26 mini milks! :D

:) Thanks for that, really fun.

:) Julian Beever is another one who uses the anamorphic technique. He's not as good as Kurt Wenner IMHO but his are still interesting/pleasing.

(I think someone mentioned him on the 'My favourite art work' thread)

This guy's not quite so good but promising?

Promising Beever?

Someone should have told him to calm down......

I love Beever.

The ultimate in sheep rustling prevention?

well, it is Orange wednesday.

They look quite nice, actually.

Not content with banning Facebook, Google and Twitter, the Chinese authorities have decided they don't like time travel being depicted in movies, so they've banned that too. Looks like Doctor Who won't be showing much over there then. How incredibly lucky we are to live in a country where we're (more-or-less) free to do what the hell we like?

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