This is the original Doddy sketch that was unsuccessful for NJ and I sent to Radio Rejects:
Here is the version I did after being asked to expand on the Doddyisms that was performed by RR last night (am not sure if they edited any). As usual all comments welcome:
Measuring happiness is like taking a peek at the bloke stood next to you at the urinals. Do you measure from their perspective or yours, and do you take into account any baggage. David Cameron recently announced that all Government policies would be tested for their effect on people's wellbeing. With us is new Happiness Policy advisor, Ken Dodd. Welcome Ken.
How tickled I am to be here missus. in this lovely venue, this amphitheatre of mirth, as recently featured on Morgues Under The Hammer.
With all that's going on in the world there can't be much to laugh about with current foreign policy?
What a great day, what a great day for running up to William Hague while he's eating his boiled egg, smearing his eyes with Libyan butter and shouting 'Watch where you're putting your soldiers'.
(Dismissive) Surely the economy is no laughing matter?
What a beautiful day, what a beautiful day for bursting in to George Osborne's bathroom, laughing at the size of his reserve, sticking a butt plug in his deficit and shouting 'Let's see yer budget'
(Getting frustrated) Shouldn't we be looking at the effect politician's behaviour in the public spotlight has on the nations wellbeing?
By Jove you're right missus. What a wonderful day, what a wonderful day for taking Anne Widdecombe dancing, loosening her knicker elastic before she bends over and shouting 'now that's what I call a Super Moon'.
Surely policies to encourage retail growth, allowing consumers to spend with confidence should be looked at first.
How right you are missus. What a beautiful day, what a beautiful day for bursting into Anne Summers with a pair of eunuch shoplifters and shouting 'That's what I call crotchless nickers'. (Fading off) Tatty-bye everybody, Tatty bye.
Thank you Ken Dodd. In tomorrow's program we'll be speaking to the government's new diversity and culturally awareness policy advisor (beat) Jim Davidson.