Thursday 7th April 2011 11:26am [Edited]
9,100 posts
As we're in a sharing mood, from my soon to be un-published novel "The Fruit & Veg Man". And not, technically , a paragraph
The man in the frock turned sideways to check his reflection in the mirror.
A callused hand ran down the front of the dress, smoothing the delicate material over the curves of a nascent beer belly.
"It shows the lumps and bumps a bit."
"Gold-lame will do that - it's not the kindest of materials. A little strappy belt might take the curse off it..."
It was four in the afternoon and Tim Sanders was sitting on a barstool in 'Transformations'- a discrete gentleman's club off the Marylebone Road - selling outsize frocks to the manager, a Greek transvestite called Manny.
A phone rang nearby and it took Tim a full three rings before he worked out it was actually his.
It was a new mobile - he'd been upgraded at gunpoint - and this was the first time he'd heard it's 'hilarious' Hawaii-Five-0 ring tone.
Shamefully, he answered, holding up an apologetic hand to his client.
"It's your Mother." It wasn't and he told the caller as much.
"Not me! I'm not your mother. I'm your Auntie Maureen !"
"Then why the hell..."
"How could I be your Mother when she's lying in a near vegetative state at St. Michael's?"
Tim pulled a face at the phone.
"Yes, I know that Maureen, I'm popping in on my way home tonight."
"Well, I shouldn't bother, 'cos she's dead."
And that was that.
He continued listening in silence, trying to muster the appropriate feelings, while she told him not to worry, she would organize everything, at the same time tacitly implying that, had he been any sort of a son, he would have been at the bedside, calling the undertakers, phoning round the relatives and so on.
He let her finish, said goodbye then snapped the mobile shut.
The man in the gold-lame slip dress was speaking.
"Trouble is, Tim, this sort of stuff's not as popular as it was. Cross-dressing has moved on - these days it's all spangly boob tubes and hot pants - look at Gerri Halliwell..."
"She' s she?"
"No, no... but she's an icon to the community."
Manny began undressing and, not for the first time, Tim wondered quite how it was that things had ended up like this.