British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 355

And so it begins. It's going to be a long 19 months. Sick

Unless someone shoots him eh?

Quote: DaButt @ April 4 2011, 2:42 PM BST

And so it begins. It's going to be a long 19 months. Sick

You should be here with the effin' Olympics !

Quote: Oldrocker @ April 4 2011, 4:40 PM BST

You should be here with the effin' Olympics !

The election will be held 3 months after the Olympics finish. I really wish we'd knock it down to a 6-month campaign. I also think they should hold the Olympics in Greece every 4 years instead of jumping from nation to nation.

Now THAT is an idea.

How about calling it the World Super Olympics holding it in the US and no one else has to bother turning up?

Quote: zooo @ April 4 2011, 5:29 PM BST

Now THAT is an idea.

So much money is spent on new facilities that are difficult to justify once the games are done. Permanent, purpose-built facilities in Greece seem like a good idea to me.

;) I know US are good, but Russia and Aussies do well?

Quote: DaButt @ April 4 2011, 5:23 PM BST

The election will be held 3 months after the Olympics finish. I really wish we'd knock it down to a 6-month campaign. I also think they should hold the Olympics in Greece every 4 years instead of jumping from nation to nation.

That's the already massively bankrupt and debt ridden Greece? Eh?

Maybe they should return to the Olympic Spirit. Not for the Mallet Eaters - just the Hammer chewers.

Quote: chipolata @ April 4 2011, 5:43 PM BST

That's the already massively bankrupt and debt ridden Greece? Eh?

That describes most nations vying for the games, including ours. Greece could probably benefit from an influx of cash and visitors every 4 years.

Quote: DaButt @ April 4 2011, 5:46 PM BST

That describes most nations vying for the games, including ours.

Yeah, but at least you spent the money on those worthwhile wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And took democracy to the Middle East. Mission accomplished!


Quote: chipolata @ April 4 2011, 5:50 PM BST

Yeah, but at least you spent the money on those worthwhile wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The total amount spent on 10 years of war is dwarfed by the deficit that Dear Leader Obama is running up.

Quote: DaButt @ April 4 2011, 6:02 PM BST

The total amount spent on 10 years of war is dwarfed by the deficit that Dear Leader Obama is running up.

I hear he also invented cancer.

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