Sunday 27th March 2011 2:28pm [Edited]
36,454 posts
Quote: AndreaLynne @ March 27 2011, 2:26 PM BST
Well, after looking at about 20 houses, my father has once again stated that now is not a good time for him to be helping us buy a house. Arghh!
I had a dream that involved you Andie, last night. We shared a neighbour from hell. Well, I say from hell. He would pop my football if it went into his garden. You would help me, espionage style, to recover it every time it went over the fence.
And then my dream changed completely, I was some sort of zombie hunter. I dream about zombies quite a lot. Which is cool, I suppose. I enjoy the thrilling nightmare.
Now let me go blast some mother-f**king-zombies!
Quote: billwill @ March 27 2011, 3:13 PM BST
I think you will be an hour LATE for everything.
Quote: Nat Wicks @ March 27 2011, 4:45 AM BST
Oh lord, when will it end?!
I went to sleep about 6am! Just got up not long ago. I don't like Sundays anyways.