British Comedy Guide

You've got a time machine and some johnnies... Page 3

Yes, Rohypnol is kind of associated with one thing above all else. You bloody Time Rapist, Sooty!

And this.

Quote: sootyj @ March 20 2011, 8:29 PM GMT

So you've got a time machine, some johnnies and some rohypnol which historical figure is gonna be regretting your face in the morning?

Well could you change the title to

"You've got a Tardis, some johnnies and Luther Van Dross"


Quote: chipolata @ March 21 2011, 11:46 AM GMT

You bloody Time Rapist

I would've thought a "Time Rapist" would be something like a Post Office queue or computer loading screen, maybe even waiting-in for a delivery?

Quote: Leevil @ March 21 2011, 11:51 AM GMT

I would've thought a "Time Rapist" would be something like a Post Office queue or computer loading screen, maybe even waiting-in for a delivery?

Or the BCG?

Quote: sootyj @ March 20 2011, 8:29 PM GMT

So you've got a time machine, some johnnies and a charming personality which historical figure is gonna be regretting your face in the morning?

Happy now?

I do consider self censorship a terrible evil.

P.S. I didn't think you were being rapey, sooty. We know you is just joking.

Googled Rubber Johnny - *warning weird images* -

Oh I dunno Catherine the Great had better watch out...

Quote: Leevil @ March 21 2011, 11:51 AM GMT

I would've thought a "Time Rapist" would be something like a Post Office queue or computer loading screen, maybe even waiting-in for a delivery?

New BBC cuts friendly show

Quote: zooo @ March 21 2011, 11:44 AM GMT

If you'd just not mentioned rohypnol, it would have been fine!

Could you cahnge the title puhleaze?

OK. To charming personality? Or just get rid of the rohypnol?

Quote: sootyj @ March 21 2011, 12:22 PM GMT

Could you cahnge the title puhleaze?

Man up and stand by your mistakes, Frostyboy. I mean Sooty. Whistling nnocently

Quote: zooo @ March 21 2011, 12:25 PM GMT

OK. To charming personality? Or just get rid of the rohypnol?


I did what would fit in the space. :)

Quote: chipolata @ March 21 2011, 12:25 PM GMT

Man up and stand by your mistakes, Frostyboy. I mean Sooty. Whistling nnocently

Ach one has to have sympathy for all the weedy milque toasts on this forum

That and it's high proportion of fundamentalist feminists who are also probably lesbians...and that's just the men.

Not everyone can be a leather skinned, bitter old geriatric like yourself.

Stop stirring you'll need the wooden spoon for your complan (or is it complain?)

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