Hee. Correct!
Who'd have thought Ellie knew what number Tennant was?
Oh. I suppose it's quite easy to work out backwards. D'oh.
Hee. Correct!
Who'd have thought Ellie knew what number Tennant was?
Oh. I suppose it's quite easy to work out backwards. D'oh.
Exactly! Okay, let me think of a good quiz question.
The Canary Islands were named after which animal?
It's not a canary is it
Is it a dog?
Why would anyone name their dog Canary?
I shall call my Bluff it again
Give me a sec
a) To defile or pollute
b) The waste product of Sherry production
c) To refuse Food or Water
d) To Mark or Brand an Animal
e) To rip open a sewn piece of material
f) to misspell shit
Nogget was correct first time
He avoided my quadruple double reverse bluff.
He sets the next question.
Here's one which is hopefully Google-proof.
Which animal is notable for being remarkably adept at solving linked-chain puzzles, often better than many humans? (like this)
a] Octopus
b] dog
c] monkey
d] parrot
e] dolphin
not c
Yup, zooo nails it.
Here's the evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DdWXc_cxxs&NR=1&feature=fvwp