That Friday Quiz Page 12
17. two. Used to be three
19. Cardomom
20. Mantua/Padua
all correct
There was no Quiz yesterday
So here's last weeks, which brings it up to date kind of
I don't have the answers until Monday though

3. It has jiggedy jaggedy edges.
4. Helena Bonham Carter.
I'm pretty sure those are correct
Here are the answers anyway
Posts: 6853
Location: England March 18, 2011, 3:02 PM GMT
1. How many Oscars did The King's Speech win? 4
2. What pesky creatures have caused major problems for a car manufacturer this week? Spiders - leading to a recall of Mazda6 cars in the US
3. How can you tell if a piece of cloth has been cut with pinking shears? It has zig-zag edges
4. Whose leg, earlier this week? Helena Bonham-Carter, at the Oscars.
5. What celestial body did navigators traditionally use for night-time navigation? Pole Star / North Star
6. The average speed travelled between two points is measured by the distance divided by what other measurement? Time taken
7. Ireland is a producer of a high-quality fabric made from flax. What is it? Linen
8. What former term for the coastal region of North Africa survives in the common name of a macaque monkey? Barbary Coast
9. What word links the two pictures: Cheshire (cheese; cat)
10. Which Russian city has the most comprehensive tramway system? St Petersburg
11. What is this? A doughnut machine
12. Earth comes first of the planets in order of what? Alphabetical order
13. In which country would you find this noisy critter? Madagascar - it's a hissing cockroach
14. What Greek-derived term denotes the scientific study of humans in relation to their physical working environment and, more broadly, to efficiency in the workplace? Ergonomics
15. Which figure in the book of Genesis has a name that, when read backwards, becomes a prefix meaning incredibly small? Onan (nano-)
16. Which French designer caused a sensation with his ostentatious New Look after the austerity of the Second World War ? Christian Dior
17. To within 2 degrees Centigrade, what is the average indoor temperature of British homes? 17.5
18. What links these pictures: Peach (Harry's Bar, Venice, where the peach Bellini was invented; Dame Nellie Melba; Blair Peach; James & the Giant Peach)
19. Which company produces the largest number of tyres in the world? Lego
20. Unscramble these two neighbours. A C D E L L N N O O R V W DEVON & CORNWALL
4 David Cameron
5 The North Star
14 Ergo
16 Christian Dior
2. Was/is spiders.
Quote: zooo @ March 12 2011, 1:08 AM GMT3. It has jiggedy jaggedy edges.
7. Linen?
12. Importance
Or alpabetically
13. America - cicada?
14 Ergonomics
17 - 21 degrees
Quote: Marc P @ March 12 2011, 9:32 AM GMT13. America - cicada?
That ain't no cicada. Looks like a hissing cockroach. Madagascar, I believe?
Quote: DaButt @ March 12 2011, 9:37 AM GMTThat ain't no cicada. Looks like a hissing cockroach. Madagascar, I believe?
I've only heard em. Never seen one, I imagine it looks a bit like a cricket which that bug sure don't. So I am sure you are right.
6, time
11, donut making machine
14, ergonomics
15, orcim ??
Quote: DaButt @ March 12 2011, 9:37 AM GMTThat ain't no cicada. Looks like a hissing cockroach. Madagascar, I believe?

Well the bottom one looks like our fellow from number 13.